JNMentionTextView copied to clipboard
A powerful UITextView supporting special characters such as [ #, @ ] as Smart Fields
Hi, I'm trying to reload picker table view data after call an api to retrive data, any suggest?
Is it possible to set custom width of popup window?
Can you please provide a solution for emojis. The @ symbol DOES trigger the mention before an emoji like this "@username Hey😋" but does NOT trigger the mention after the...
Please let me know how to disable pop up of table view
the font of the mention will change and will be in small size with deletion(backspace) it happens only if the mention is stored then it is viewed for editing it...
I am using a class which implements UITextViewDelegate to add placeholder to Textview https://tij.me/blog/adding-placeholders-to-uitextviews-in-swift/ the placeholder appear if nothing is written in text but when i start typing the placeholder...
just wondering if you have a tap handler for the mentioned text, thanks in advance