AwesomeText copied to clipboard
A tool that facilitates working with Spans on TextViews or any extension of them (EditTexts, Buttons...).
The MENTION_PATTERN will put the text-face renderer to a clickable-span, The lib can provide another method that user can define the sapn text without using the addViewSpanRenderer(pattern,xx)?
I made a tiny fork of this library because my span was not properly aligned. A default ImageSpan uses `DynamicDrawableSpan.ALIGN_BOTTOM` with no configuration to have the `AwesomeTextHandler` to use `ALIGN_BASELINE`....
Any idea how I could replace the text of a span on user interaction? Example scenario based on the sample app: User clicks on ChuckNorris and I use the `onClick`...
Running the sample app on a Samsung S3 and a Motorola X (2nd gen) the text spans are not scaled the same. I am using AwesomeText in an app I...