Jan Korf

Results 63 comments of Jan Korf

1. Closing a position is making a new sell order for the amount you want to close, the same way you also placed the buy order. 2. Sadly this is...

You can use the specific filter accessor on the symbol, for example `symbol.PriceFilter.TickSize`

With TradeRulesBehaviour not set to None it will request the trade rules first before placing the order, but this is not enabled by default. The other thing you can try...

The stream you're subscribing to only gives updates to changes in the order book, so there is some synchronization logic needed there. You can use the `SubscribeToPartialOrderBookUpdatesAsync` method to subscribe...

Interesting, this triggers the windows time syncing? Might be a good alternative to a 3rd party program

I'm not having any issues when I try the request you mentioned in the latest version: Request: `[Req 10] Sending POST signed request to https://api.bybit.com/v5/position/set-leverage with request body '{"buyLeverage":"14.50","category":"linear","sellLeverage":"14.50","symbol":"BTCUSDT"}' with...

Seems like something is going wrong with the timestamping. Try setting AutoTimestamp to false in the client options.

I've also done a few fixed in the latest version, can you try again after updating?

Well yes, if the local pc time is changed the timestamping will fail. There isn't an easy way for the library to fix this. The best solution is to make...