JJ Ying

Results 13 comments of JJ Ying

I would love to help translating Manta to Chinese!

Simplified Chinese 100% completed

@hql287 Let me spread the word to see if there is anyone to help :D

By the way, I found that the strings appears in the Invoice templates are not in the translation system and they are directly written in the jsx template files, is...

哦……我发现密码输入没反应是因为我的密码是空格……改了普通字符就正常进去了,但是进去之后除了 PHP 其他几个都启动不了,提示信息是「Error: 启动文件不存在,服务启动失败」,然后调试窗口里没有其他特别的提示,用 2 里的方法进去似乎也是一样

今天在 Google Fonts 找字体的时候发现一个悲伤的故事,GF 里很热门的几个字体 Oswald、Nunito 等的主创 Vernon Adams 在 2014 年遭遇严重车祸,治疗两年后不幸离世。因为生前只是所就职字体公司的合同工,所以一对儿女和老婆的生活无以为继,在他的官网上有介绍视频和捐助链接:http://sansoxygen.com/ 他主创的几个字体作品: - https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Oswald - https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Nunito - https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Muli 他的 GitHub 帐号:https://github.com/vernnobile?tab=overview&from=2014-12-01&to=2014-12-31

Are you editing some RSS file or just saw these warnings from very first beginning? Also, do you have the full warning/error text?

Thanks a lot for the help! And I think the simple authentication is really helpful! But I've some issues after pulling your branch, when I use default name/password or re-create...

It's tested on my PHP 5.5.18, what's your version?

Locally I used [MAMP](https://www.mamp.info/en/) ~