DCL copied to clipboard
size mismatch for classifier_swap.weight: copying a param of torch.Size([12, 2048]) from checkpoint, where the shape is torch.Size([2, 2048]) in current model.
when I run the test.py, I got the error. How can I solve it ?
Namespace(acc_report=True, auto_resume=True, backbone='resnet50', batch_size=4, crop_resolution=448, dataset='SHIP', num_workers=0, resize_resolution=512, resume=None, save_suffix=None, swap_num=[7, 7], version='test')
load from ./net_model_42315_SHIP\weights_0_1026_0.9977_0.9977.pth ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "e:/graduation_project/DCL-master/test.py", line 125, in