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search and replace function
hello my question is what if as example a number was writen as on of the 2 argument for search or replace ? should it not display in this scenario the normal string without any changes?
like: this is your code:
#include <unistd.h>
int main(int ac, char **av) { int i;
i = 0;
if (ac == 4)
if(((av[2][0] >= 'a' && av[2][0]<= 'z') || (av[2][0] >= 'A' && av[2][0]<= 'Z')) && av[2][1] == '\0')
if (((av[3][0] >= 'a' && av[2][0]<= 'z') || (av[3][0] >= 'A' && av[3][0]<= 'Z')) && av[3][1] == '\0')
while (av[1][i] != '\0')
if (av[1][i] == av[2][0])
av[1][i] = av[3][0];
write(1, &av[1][i], 1);
write(1, "\n", 1);
} and the second question is:
the subject says: If the second argument is not contained in the first one (the string) then the program simply rewrites the string followed by a newline.
where in the code is the line for this part?
and i know the examples show just a empty line but this was kinda wierd
oh a other thing the jump in my eye is this: if(((argv[2][0] >= 'a' && argv[2][0]<= 'z') || (argv[2][0] >= 'A' && argv[2][0]<= 'Z')) && argv[2][1] == '\0') why is there for the little letters no condition for a \0 check?