Mermaid-PHP copied to clipboard
Generate diagrams and flowcharts with the help of the mermaid script language
JBZoo / Mermaid-PHP
Generate diagrams and flowcharts as HTML which is based on mermaid-js.
use JBZoo\MermaidPHP\Graph;
use JBZoo\MermaidPHP\Link;
use JBZoo\MermaidPHP\Node;
use JBZoo\MermaidPHP\Render;
$graph = (new Graph(['abc_order' => true]))
->addSubGraph($subGraph1 = new Graph(['title' => 'Main workflow']))
->addSubGraph($subGraph2 = new Graph(['title' => 'Problematic workflow']))
->addStyle('linkStyle default interpolate basis');
->addNode($nodeE = new Node('E', 'Result two', Node::SQUARE))
->addNode($nodeB = new Node('B', 'Round edge', Node::ROUND))
->addNode($nodeA = new Node('A', 'Hard edge', Node::SQUARE))
->addNode($nodeC = new Node('C', 'Decision', Node::CIRCLE))
->addNode($nodeD = new Node('D', 'Result one', Node::SQUARE))
->addLink(new Link($nodeE, $nodeD))
->addLink(new Link($nodeB, $nodeC))
->addLink(new Link($nodeC, $nodeD, 'A double quote:"'))
->addLink(new Link($nodeC, $nodeE, 'A dec char:♥'))
->addLink(new Link($nodeA, $nodeB, ' Link text<br>/\\!@#$%^&*()_+><\' " '));
->addNode($alone = new Node('alone', 'Alone'))
->addLink(new Link($alone, $nodeC));
echo $graph; // Get result as string (or $graph->__toString(), or (string)$graph)
$htmlCode = $graph->renderHtml([
'debug' => true,
'theme' => Render::THEME_DARK,
'title' => 'Example',
'show-zoom' => false,
'mermaid_url' => '',
]); // Get result as HTML code for debugging
echo $graph->getLiveEditorUrl(); // Get link to live editor
graph TB;
subgraph "Main workflow"
E["Result two"];
B("Round edge");
A["Hard edge"];
D["Result one"];
C-->|"A double quote:#quot;"|D;
C-->|"A dec char:#hearts;"|E;
A-->|"Link text<br>/\!@#$%^#amp;*()_+><' #quot;"|B;
subgraph "Problematic workflow"
linkStyle default interpolate basis;
Usage of an ERDiagram
use JBZoo\MermaidPHP\ERDiagram\Entity\Entity;
use JBZoo\MermaidPHP\ERDiagram\ERDiagram;
use JBZoo\MermaidPHP\ERDiagram\Relation\ManyToMany;
use JBZoo\MermaidPHP\ERDiagram\Relation\ManyToOne;
use JBZoo\MermaidPHP\ERDiagram\Relation\OneToMany;
use JBZoo\MermaidPHP\ERDiagram\Relation\OneToOne;
use JBZoo\MermaidPHP\ERDiagram\Relation\Relation;
use JBZoo\MermaidPHP\Render;
$diagram = (new ERDiagram(['title' => 'Order Example']));
->addEntity($customerEntity = new Entity('C', 'Customer', props: [
new EntityProperty('id', 'int', [EntityProperty::PRIMARY_KEY], 'ID of user'),
new EntityProperty('cash', 'float'),
->addEntity($orderEntity = new Entity('O', 'Order'))
->addEntity($lineItemEntity = new Entity('LI', 'Line-Item'))
->addEntity($deliveryAddressEntity = new Entity('DA', 'Delivery-Address'))
->addEntity($creditCardEntity = new Entity('CC', 'Credit-Card'))
->addRelation(new OneToMany($customerEntity, $orderEntity, 'places', Relation::ONE_OR_MORE))
->addRelation(new ManyToOne($lineItemEntity, $orderEntity, 'belongs', Relation::ZERO_OR_MORE))
->addRelation(new ManyToMany($customerEntity, $deliveryAddressEntity, 'uses', Relation::ONE_OR_MORE))
->addRelation(new OneToOne($customerEntity, $creditCardEntity, 'has', Relation::ONE_OR_MORE))
//header('Content-Type: text/plain');
//echo $diagram; // Get result as string (or $graph->__toString(), or (string)$graph)
$htmlCode = $diagram->renderHtml([
'debug' => true,
'theme' => Render::THEME_DARK,
'title' => 'Example',
'show-zoom' => false,
'mermaid_url' => '',
]); // Get result as HTML code for debugging
echo $diagram->getLiveEditorUrl(); // Get link to live editor
title: Order Example
"Customer" ||--|{ "Order" : places
"Line-Item" }o--|| "Order" : belongs
"Customer" }o--|{ "Delivery-Address" : uses
"Customer" ||--|| "Credit-Card" : has
"Customer" {
int id PK "ID of user"
float cash
Usage of an Timeline
use JBZoo\MermaidPHP\Timeline\Timeline;
use JBZoo\MermaidPHP\Timeline\Marker;
use JBZoo\MermaidPHP\Timeline\Event;
$timeline = (new Timeline(['title' => 'History of Social Media Platform']))
(new Timeline(['title' => 'Subsection 1']))
->addMarker(new Marker('2002', [
new Event('Linkedin')
(new Timeline(['title' => 'Subsection 2']))
->addMarker(new Marker('2004', [
new Event('Facebook'),
new Event('Google'),
->addMarker(new Marker('2005', [
new Event('Youtube'),
->addMarker(new Marker('2006', [
new Event('Twitter'),
//header('Content-Type: text/plain');
//echo $diagram; // Get result as string (or $timeline->__toString(), or (string)$timeline)
$htmlCode = $timeline->renderHtml([
'debug' => true,
'theme' => Render::THEME_DARK,
'title' => 'Example',
'show-zoom' => false,
'mermaid_url' => '',
]); // Get result as HTML code for debugging
echo $diagram->getLiveEditorUrl(); // Get link to live editor
title History of Social Media Platform
section "Subsection 1"
2002 : Linkedin
section "Subsection 2"
2004 : Facebook : Google
2005 : Youtube
2006 : Twitter
Usage of a Class Diagram
use JBZoo\MermaidPHP\ClassDiagram\ClassDiagram;
use JBZoo\MermaidPHP\ClassDiagram\Concept\Concept;
use JBZoo\MermaidPHP\ClassDiagram\Concept\Attribute;
use JBZoo\MermaidPHP\ClassDiagram\Concept\Visibility;
use JBZoo\MermaidPHP\ClassDiagram\Concept\Method;
use JBZoo\MermaidPHP\ClassDiagram\Relationship\Relationship;
use JBZoo\MermaidPHP\ClassDiagram\Relationship\RelationType;
use JBZoo\MermaidPHP\Render;
$diagram = (new ClassDiagram())
->setTitle('Animal example')
->addClass($animalClass = new Concept(
identifier: 'Animal',
attributes: [
new Attribute('age', 'int', Visibility::PUBLIC),
new Attribute('gender', 'String', Visibility::PUBLIC),
annotation: 'abstract'
->addClass($duckClass = new Concept(
identifier: 'Duck',
attributes: [
new Attribute('beakColor', 'String', Visibility::PUBLIC),
methods: [
new Method('swim')
->addRelationship(new Relationship(
classA: $duckClass,
classB: $animalClass,
relationType: RelationType::REALIZATION
//header('Content-Type: text/plain');
//echo $diagram; // Get result as string (or $diagram->__toString(), or (string) $diagram)
$htmlCode = $diagram->renderHtml([
'debug' => true,
'theme' => Render::THEME_DARK,
'title' => 'Example',
'show-zoom' => false,
'mermaid_url' => '',
]); // Get result as HTML code for debugging
echo $diagram->getLiveEditorUrl(); // Get link to live editor
title: Animal example
direction TB
class Animal {
+int age
+String gender
class Duck {
+String beakColor
Duck ..|> Animal
See also
Unit tests and check code style
make update
make test-all
See Also
- CI-Report-Converter - Converting different error reports for deep compatibility with popular CI systems.
Composer-Diff - See what packages have changed after
composer update
. - Composer-Graph - Dependency graph visualization of composer.json based on mermaid-js.
- Utils - Collection of useful PHP functions, mini-classes, and snippets for every day.
- Image - Package provides object-oriented way to manipulate with images as simple as possible.
- Data - Extended implementation of ArrayObject. Use files as config/array.
- Retry - Tiny PHP library providing retry/backoff functionality with multiple backoff strategies and jitter support.
- SimpleTypes - Converting any values and measures - money, weight, exchange rates, length, ...