rednose icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
rednose copied to clipboard

pretty output formatter for python-nosetests

========= rednose

rednose is a nosetests_ plugin for adding colour (and readability) to nosetest console results.

.. image:: rednose_example.png :scale: 50 % :align: center



pip install rednose

or from the source::

python install

Rednose officially supports Python 2.7, 3.4, and 3.5.



nosetests --rednose



Rednose by default uses auto-colouring, which will only use colour if you're running it on a terminal (i.e not piping it to a file). To control colouring, use one of::

nosetests --rednose --force-color
nosetests --no-color

(you can also control this by setting the environment variable NOSE_REDNOSE_COLOR to 'force' or 'no')

Rednose by default prints file paths relative to the working directory. If you want the full path in the traceback then use::

nosetests --rednose --full-file-path

Rednose by default prints error style formating for skipped tests, to supress this use::

nosetests --rednose --hide-skips

Rednose supports printing the test results mid run as well as at the end, to enable it use::

nosetests --rednose --immediate

.. _nosetests: