SonarDelphi copied to clipboard
Receiving plenty of errors while parsing code
I am using SonarQube 9.1 with the latest plugin version 1.0.7
When running the Code Analysis from Azure DevOps, I receive lots of errors on the console (see below).
Is there a way to get around these issues?
Kind regards, Harald
Output (extract):
##[error]$SOME-PATH$\uFunctions.IPC.pas line 47:2 mismatched input 'TIPCAsyncDataServer' expecting IMPLEMENTATION
$SOME-PATH$\uFunctions.IPC.pas line 47:2 mismatched input 'TIPCAsyncDataServer' expecting IMPLEMENTATION
##[error]$SOME-PATH$\uFunctions.IPC.pas line 78:5 mismatched input ';' expecting DOT
$SOME-PATH$\uFunctions.IPC.pas line 78:5 mismatched input ';' expecting DOT
##[error]ERROR: Error while parsing $SOME-PATH$\uFunctions.IPC.pas
INFO: 20% done...
INFO: 30% done...
INFO: 40% done...
##[error]$SOME-PATH$\Web.Win.Sockets.pas line 857:0 no viable alternative at input 'begin'
$SOME-PATH$\Web.Win.Sockets.pas line 857:0 no viable alternative at input 'begin'
##[error]$SOME-PATH$\Web.Win.Sockets.pas line 858:2 no viable alternative at input 'Result'
##[error]ERROR: Error while parsing $SOME-PATH$\Web.Win.Sockets.pas
ERROR: Error while parsing $SOME-PATH$\Web.Win.Sockets.pas
INFO: 50% done...
INFO: 60% done...
##[error]$SOME-PATH$\uConnection.Provider.pas line 196:2 no viable alternative at input 'TConnectionProviderSingleton'
$SOME-PATH$\uConnection.Provider.pas line 196:2 no viable alternative at input 'TConnectionProviderSingleton'
##[error]ERROR: Error while parsing $SOME-PATH$\uConnection.Provider.pas
ERROR: Error while parsing $SOME-PATH$\uConnection.Provider.pas
INFO: 70% done...
INFO: 80% done...
INFO: 90% done...
INFO: Done
INFO: Processing metrics...
INFO: 0% done...
##[error]$SOME-PATH$/uMessagesConst.pas line 4:20 no viable alternative at character '\'
Can you supply a sample file? Ideally a small one.
And does the unit contain conditional code like {$ifdef}
? If so, do the parsing errors disappear once you remove the conditional code?
Below you would find some code to reproduce the issue.
There are no conditionals in that file, however, there are "old-style" comments in the file.
* Class validates the XML against the XSD. You should ensure that CoInitialize
* is called in your app before you access the methods below.
* @path \trunc\00_CommonGlobal\02_Functions\uXMLValidator.pas
* @author XYZ
* @author Copyright © 2021 by ...
* @date 27/03/13 19:12:04
* @remarks
unit uXMLValidator;
XMLValidator = class
class function IsValidXML(AXML: String; ASchemaDir: String): Boolean; overload; static;
class function IsValidXML(AXMLFile: String): Boolean; overload; static;
class function IsValidXML(AStream: TStream; ASchemaDir: String): Boolean; overload; static;
System.SysUtils, Xml.xmldom, Xml.Win.msxmldom, uFunctions.Files;
function IsValidXMLInternal(AStream: TStream; AText: String; ASchemaDir: String): Boolean;
doc: IDOMPersist;
ParseOpt: IDOMParseOptions;
OldDir: String;
if ASchemaDir <> '' then
OldDir := GetCurrentDir;
OldDir := '';
Result := False;
doc := MSXML_DOM.DOMImplementation.createDocument('', '', nil) as IDOMPersist;
if doc.QueryInterface(IDOMParseOptions, ParseOpt) = 0 then
ParseOpt.async := False;
ParseOpt.resolveExternals := True;
ParseOpt.validate := True;
if AStream = nil then
Result := doc.loadxml(AText)
Result := doc.loadFromStream(AStream);
if ASchemaDir <> '' then
class function XMLValidator.IsValidXML(AXML: String; ASchemaDir: String): Boolean;
Result := IsValidXMLInternal(nil, AXML, ASchemaDir)
class function XMLValidator.IsValidXML(AStream: TStream; ASchemaDir: String): Boolean;
Result := IsValidXMLInternal(AStream, '', ASchemaDir)
class function XMLValidator.IsValidXML(AXMLFile: String): Boolean;
s: String;
FileUtils.FileToString(s, AXMLFile);
Result := IsValidXMLInternal(nil, s, ExtractFilePath(AXMLFile));
end. I loaded the file in AntlWorks and it was parsed successfully.
There are no conditionals in that file, however, there are "old-style" comments in the file.
I don't think they are a problem, but does the problem disappear if you remove those comments?
Thank you for your answer.
Then maybe it is about the integration of the plugin with Azure DevOps and the SonarScanner used to perform the analysis.
Which part is actually generating the error-messages on the DevOps console log?
Which part is actually generating the error-messages on the DevOps console log?
I'm not sure, I forked the project to fix some issues in the Antlr grammar definiton of Obejct Pascal. And I don't use Azure DevOps.
What is the exact error message that is generated for this sample file on your system?
I did now update our Azure DevOps Server to 2020.1 and also updated SonarQube to 9.1 with a new SonarScanner version for DevOps - now the task "Run Code Analysis" is in version 5.0.0.
Analysis goes through smooth, however still showing the same issues in the output.
10:28:46.540 DEBUG: >> PROCESSING IF.Functions/uXMLValidator.pas
10:28:46.556 DEBUG: 'IF.Functions/uXMLValidator.pas' generated metadata with charset 'UTF-8'
##[error]$SOME_PATH$/IF.Functions/uXMLValidator.pas line 4:8 no viable alternative at character '\'
$SOME_PATH$/IF.Functions/uXMLValidator.pas line 4:8 no viable alternative at character '\'
##[error]$SOME_PATH$/IF.Functions/uXMLValidator.pas line 4:14 no viable alternative at character '\'
$SOME_PATH$/IF.Functions/uXMLValidator.pas line 4:30 no viable alternative at character '\'
$SOME_PATH$/IF.Functions/uXMLValidator.pas line 4:43 no viable alternative at character '\'
$SOME_PATH$/IF.Functions/uXMLValidator.pas line 4:14 no viable alternative at character '\'
$SOME_PATH$/IF.Functions/uXMLValidator.pas line 4:30 no viable alternative at character '\'
$SOME_PATH$/IF.Functions/uXMLValidator.pas line 4:43 no viable alternative at character '\'
Not sure if it is about the grammar or some other issues are triggering these messages. It basically still is fine, we just get a lot of false-positives on the analysis, which kinda sucks.
$SOME_PATH$/IF.Functions/uXMLValidator.pas line 4:8 no viable alternative at character '\'
Well, it seems that some part of SonarQube has issues with the backslashes in the comments on top of the file. Just to be sure: Do the errors disappear if you remove the line with backslashes?
we just get a lot of false-positives on the analysis
Do you mean, SonarDelphi rules apply when they shouldn't? Do you have an example?