@twio142 Can you describe the scenario where you use the cross-tab feature? Is that PiP only? Please provide an example URL where you get conflict. And say which browser you...
For your second comment, how would you want it to work? Would the "toggle global mode" (if working properly) be what you wanted? Or would you want the PiP to...
Can you describe the "image adjustments" made? Translated, I read "resetting the image attributes is invalid" which I don't understand. Isn't it possible to reset the adjustments back to normal?...
Without this script, F toggless "full-screen" on YouTube. When the script is active, the shortcut is changed to "F: Next frame". I don't see any conflict (where they interfere with...
Please provide a link to the "other" plugin, translation said "Network Disk Smart Assistant" and I couldn't find that. Is everything ok if you disable that temporarily?
I didn't understand the problem. Please provide more information. 1. Problem Description 2. The URL address where the above problem occurs 3. Information about the browser and browser version you...
Indeed, this may be one of the most important changes. The "chase bank updates and depend on user reports" strategy seems to be a very costly process (even if I...
Thanks for quick reply. Being a (planned) major version change, I suppose backward compatibility is not mandatory, and the ultimate goal for any version is rather to have perfect render...