用于华硕路由器官方固件和梅林固件的自启动脚本系统(Self-starting scripts that can be used in both Asuswrt and Asuswrt-Merlin)
之前用16.1版本是是可以用的,但后来用重新新装了18.1版,现在运行ali_ddns_enable.service时显示:panic: read json from products.json failed &{[]},最终显示success,但云端记录无法更新。
@JACK-THINK I wanted to install on my Asus BlueCave (MIPS if not mistaken). First, i tried the online installation using "cd /tmp && wget -q -O /tmp/install_online --no-check-certificate "" &&...
我的设备是ac86u,脚本已是最新。 ### 我是这样升级的 1. cd /tmp && /tmp/sbl_uninstall 2. 官版图形界面,升级到3. 3. ssh后,执行cp -f /tmp/mnt/ASUS_ROUTER/script_bootloader/bin/restore /tmp && cd /tmp && /tmp/restore 4. 自动重启 ### 问题描述 重启后,ssh登录,发现已经没有任何挂载的环境了,比如swap、Entware等等。 - 发现是不能自动执行脚本script_bootloader_usb_mount了,原因是script_bootloader_usb_mount这个文件变得没有任何权限了。 ``` ---------- 1...
Connecting to||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
Hi Jack, Wanted to offer some feedback arising from exchanges on the snb forums concerning concurrent install of the excellent YazFi user script (see [](url)) to provide Wi-Fi Access on...
本来使用的挺好的,我把放数据的那个优盘拔下来,考了一点资料之后他就废了,卸载也不能卸载,重装也不能重装。现在格式化试试能不能重装 能不能把u盘2 作为home或者root目录 默认的root目录似乎是放各种文件的?
Is "SCRIPTS-BOOTLOADER-FOR-ASUS-ROUTER" compatible with Skynet ( If yes, can it be incorporated as an integral Addon??
Your script if possible can automatically configure your addons like monit and adguard to use SSL using the same certificate as asus webgui? I can do this myself through the...
extremely grateful if you could try unbound in your scropt unbound with adguard home will remove raspberry pie with pie hole from the network sorry if this was a wrong...