
Results 62 comments of Jems

We are encountering the same issue. Any news about a solution?

Hello. Sorting is handled by the [@feathers/adapter-commons package]( which use the sort algorithm of the NeDb package. Maybe you should try to ask in the feathers repository.

This is interesting, could you verify that the items added to the store this way are still reactive ? I'll send a PR with the fix and it might be...

@marshallswain I think we talked about it but never realy implemented it. It should stay reactive as the keyedById and ids properties are reassigned instead of adding properties on them.

> I don't know why the spread is faster than the Object.assign. Spread has been optimized in browser engines and should be at least as fast as Object.assign > The...

In fact Object.assign is different than spread because it add the properties of the other object instead of destructuring the two and merging all the properties. So it doesn't keep...

We could also squeeze a bit more performance when checking for existing items. We could check if the id has an item in the keyedByIds object instead of using includes...

> That would be a good improvement, although I believe chromium internally optimizes that code to use a map, I’ve not read anything like that about other browsers. I knew...

There is one problem, the tests ` it('correctly emits events for new...` fails if we don't use the `updateOriginal` method. This is because the tests watch a property that is...