lopdf copied to clipboard
Chinese characters cannot be displayed correctly
Chinese and punctuation cannot be displayed
fn main() {
let mut doc = Document::with_version("1.5");
let pages_id = doc.new_object_id();
let font_id = doc.add_object(dictionary! {
"Type" => "Font",
"Subtype" => "Type1",
"BaseFont" => "Courier",
let resources_id = doc.add_object(dictionary! {
"Font" => dictionary! {
"F1" => font_id,
let content = Content {
operations: vec![
Operation::new("BT", vec![]),
Operation::new("Tf", vec!["F1".into(), 48.into()]),
Operation::new("Td", vec![100.into(), 600.into()]),
Operation::new("Tj", vec![Object::string_literal("中文")]), // <- Chinese
Operation::new("ET", vec![]),
let content_id = doc.add_object(Stream::new(dictionary! {}, content.encode().unwrap()));
let page_id = doc.add_object(dictionary! {
"Type" => "Page",
"Parent" => pages_id,
"Contents" => content_id,
let pages = dictionary! {
"Type" => "Pages",
"Kids" => vec![page_id.into()],
"Count" => 1,
"Resources" => resources_id,
"MediaBox" => vec![0.into(), 0.into(), 595.into(), 842.into()],
doc.objects.insert(pages_id, Object::Dictionary(pages));
let catalog_id = doc.add_object(dictionary! {
"Type" => "Catalog",
"Pages" => pages_id,
doc.trailer.set("Root", catalog_id);

Modify font:
let font_id = doc.add_object(dictionary! {
"Type" => "Font",
"Subtype" => "Type1",
"BaseFont" => "Courier", // <- 👈 Here
let resources_id = doc.add_object(dictionary! {
"Font" => dictionary! {
"F1" => font_id,
How can I use Chinese in Bookmark ?
I get messy code on bookmark :
let bookmark = Bookmark::new(String::from(format!("{}", "中文")), [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], 0, object_id);