Our thoughts: - Yarn anyhow installs the missing peer dependencies. So they are not really 'missing'. - Having to add peer dependencies to `package.json`: - **Inflates** it. - If you...
I'm having the same problem. Basically, when the `postinstall` script runs on my local machine (which has typings installed both globally and locally) - it works fine. But I also...
From [https://github.com/Izhaki/gefri](https://github.com/Izhaki/gefri): ``` "typings": "^1.3.1", ``` Doesn't run properly using this Dockerfile: ``` FROM node:4 ENV SHELL=/bin/bash EXPOSE 8080 ```
Odd... Somehow it made it to `.gitignore`, but it does exist within the docker image: ``` { "globalDependencies": { "jasmine": "registry:dt/jasmine#2.2.0+20160621224255" } } ```
Sorry, my wrong, it is created in postinstall: ``` "postinstall": "typings install dt~jasmine --save --global && mkdir -p dist", ```
I had to take the droplet down. So no way to check at the moment.
Having had a look at [chevrotain and its skip option](http://sap.github.io/chevrotain/docs/tutorial/step1_lexing.html#skipping-tokens), something like this is hugely desirable. Too often we find ourselves writing something like this: ``` Pattern = head:PatternPart tail:(...
I suspect the obvious - you are very busy. But this repo is a life-line for me. I cannot believe it only got 143 stars. The last commit was on...
I have had a similar issue. I'm now convinced that it is best to simply stick to `es6` when producing the coverage report - the emitted auxiliary code only reduces...
The error message is not a cucumber one. For more details and fix see: https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber-js/issues/2248#issuecomment-1459112907