Jaime Oliveira
Jaime Oliveira
Thanks, Apple. Very cool... 🙄 Anyway... I glad you found a workaround for your project 😄 , as for the PR once it's merged I'll add support for it either...
Aye! I'll ping you if something comes up Thanks, once again! 😄
Oh darn, I'm on it. Could you provide an example repo or a codepen? I have some suspicions as to what it may be causing it but I need some...
Ahhh that's actually great to know, already ticked one of my assumptions Working on a fix, thanks for reporting it 😄
Hey, small update: Currently working on a fix for it. A priori I thought it was just the iOS `onchange` polyfill being bound to the wrong event (`webkitendfullscreen` in our...
Please refer to this [Dash & HLS example](https://github.com/videogular/ngx-videogular-showroom/tree/fb2cb019871e2fdd03c227e570a2fd56098c71b8/src/app/streaming-player) as a practical guide. But without more context, I'm kinda in the dark here. You said you installed HLS `npm i --save...
Oh good catch! I'll fix it and publish next week as I'm in the middle of a crunch.