Domo copied to clipboard
A library to validate values of nested structs with their type spec t() and associated precondition functions
Mix.install([:domo], force: true)
A library to validate values of nested structs with their type spec t()
and associated precondition functions.
Example apps
🔗 JSON parsing and validation example
🔗 Commanded + Domo combo used in Event Sourcing and CQRS app
🔗 Ecto + Domo combo in example_avialia app
🔗 TypedStruct + Domo combo in example_typed_integrations app
Used in a struct's module, the library adds constructor, validation, and reflection functions. When called, constructor and validation functions guarantee the following:
- A struct or a group of nested structs conforms to their
types. - The struct's data consistently follows the business rules given by type-associated precondition functions.
If the conditions described above are not met, the constructor and validation functions return an error.
The business rule expressed via the precondition function can be shared across all structs referencing the appropriate type.
In terms of Domain Driven Design, types and associated precondition functions define the invariants relating structs to each other.
Let's say that we have a LineItem
and PurchaseOrder
structs with relating
invariant that is the sum of line item amounts should be less then order's
approved limit. That can be expressed like the following:
defmodule LineItem do
use Domo
defstruct amount: 0
@type t :: %__MODULE__{amount: non_neg_integer()}
defmodule PurchaseOrder do
use Domo
defstruct id: 1000, approved_limit: 200, items: []
@type id :: non_neg_integer()
precond(id: &(1000 <= &1 and &1 <= 5000))
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
id: id(),
approved_limit: pos_integer(),
items: [LineItem.t()]
precond(t: &validate_invariants/1)
defp validate_invariants(po) do
amounts = po.items |> &1.amount) |> Enum.sum()
if amounts <= po.approved_limit do
{:error, "Sum of line item amounts (#{amounts}) should be <= to approved limit (#{po.approved_limit})."}
Then PurchaseOrder
struct can be constructed consistently with functions generated by Domo like the following:
{:ok, %PurchaseOrder{approved_limit: 200, id: 1000, items: []}}
The constructor function takes any Enumerable
as the input value:
{:ok, po} ={approved_limit: 250})
{:ok, %PurchaseOrder{approved_limit: 250, id: 1000, items: []}}
It returns the descriptive keyword list if there is an error in input arguments. And it validates nested structs automatically: 500, items: [%LineItem{amount: -5}])
items: "Invalid value [%LineItem{amount: -5}] for field :items of %PurchaseOrder{}.
Expected the value matching the [%LineItem{}] type.
Underlying errors:
- The element at index 0 has value %LineItem{amount: -5} that is invalid.
- Value of field :amount is invalid due to Invalid value -5 for field :amount
of %LineItem{}. Expected the value matching the non_neg_integer() type.",
id: "Invalid value 500 for field :id of %PurchaseOrder{}. Expected the
value matching the non_neg_integer() type. And a true value from
the precondition function \"&(1000 <= &1 and &1 <= 5000)\"
defined for type."
The returned errors are verbose and are intended for debugging purposes. See the Error messages for a user section below for more options.
The manually updated struct can be validated like the following:
|> Map.put(:items, [!(amount: 150)])
|> PurchaseOrder.ensure_type()
{:ok, %PurchaseOrder{approved_limit: 200, id: 1000, items: [%LineItem{amount: 150}]}}
Domo returns the error if the precondition function attached to the t()
that validates invariants for the struct as a whole fails:
updated_po = %{po | items: [!(amount: 180),!(amount: 100)]}
{:error, [t: "Sum of line item amounts should be <= to approved limit"]}
Getting the list of the required fields of the struct that have type other
then nil
or any
is like that:
[:approved_limit, :id, :items]
See the Callbacks section for more details about functions added to the struct.
Error messages for a user
It's possible to attach error messages to types with the precond
macro to display
them later to the user. To filter such kinds of messages, pass
the maybe_filter_precond_errors: true
option to Domo generated functions like that:
defmodule Book do
use Domo
defstruct [:title, :pages]
@type title :: String.t()
precond title: &(if String.length(&1) > 1, do: :ok, else: {:error, "Book title is required."})
@type pages :: pos_integer()
precond pages: &(if &1 > 2, do: :ok, else: {:error, "Book should have more then 3 pages. Given (#{&1})."})
@type t :: %__MODULE__{title: nil | title(), pages: nil | pages()}
defmodule Shelf do
use Domo
defstruct books: []
@type t :: %__MODULE__{books: [Book.t()]}
defmodule PublicLibrary do
use Domo
defstruct shelves: []
@type t :: %__MODULE__{shelves: [Shelf.t()]}
library = struct!(PublicLibrary, %{shelves: [struct!(Shelf, %{books: [struct!(Book, %{title: "", pages: 1})]})]})
PublicLibrary.ensure_type(library, maybe_filter_precond_errors: true)
shelves: [
"Book title is required.",
"Book should have more then 3 pages. Given (1)."
That output contains only a flattened list of precondition error messages from the deeply nested structure.
Compile-time and Run-time validations
At the project's compile-time, Domo performs the following checks:
It automatically validates that the default values given with
conform to struct's type and fulfill preconditions (can be disabled, see__using__/1
for more details). -
It ensures that the struct using Domo built with
function to be a default argument for a function or a default value for a struct's field matches its type and preconditions.
At run-time, Domo validates structs matching their t()
Domo compiles TypeEnsurer
module from struct's t()
type to do all kinds
of validations. There is a generated function with pattern matchings
and guards for each struct's field. Constructor and validation functions
of the struct delegate the work to the appropriate TypeEnsurer
After the compilation, the flow of control of the nested StructA
can look like the following:
| PurchaseOrder | +---------------------------+
| | | PurchaseOrder.TypeEnsurer |
| new(!)/1 ----------|--_ | |
| ensure_type(!)/1 --|-----|-> ensure_field_type/1 |
+--------------------+ | private functions |
+-----------------------+ |
| LineItem | | +-------------------------+
| | | | LineItem.TypeEnsurer |
| new(!)/1 | | | |
| ensure_type(!)/1 | +--|-> ensure_field_type/1 |
+-----------------------+ | private functions |
In interactive mode (iex / livebook) Domo generates TypeEnsurer
dynamically as the last step of struct's module definition.
In mix compile mode Domo generates all TypeEnsurer
modules after elixir compiler
finishes its job. The generated code can be found
in _build/MIX_ENV/domo_generated_code
folder. However, that is for information
purposes only. The following compilation will overwrite all changes there.
Depending types tracking
Let's suppose a structure field's type depends on a type defined in
another module. When the latter type or its precondition changes,
Domo recompiles the former module automatically to update its
to keep the type validation up to date.
Domo tracks type-depending modules and touches appropriate files during compilation.
That works for any number of intermediate modules between the module defining the struct's field and the module defining the field's final type.
Integration with Ecto
Ecto schema changeset can be automatically validated to conform to t()
and associated preconditions. Then the changeset function can be like the following:
defmodule Customer do
use Ecto.Schema
use Domo, skip_defaults: true
import Ecto.Changeset
import Domo.Changeset
schema "customers" do
field :first_name, :string
field :last_name, :string
field :birth_date, :date
@type t :: %__MODULE__{
first_name: String.t(),
last_name: String.t(),
birth_date: Date.t()
def changeset(changeset, attrs) do
|> cast(attrs, typed_fields())
|> validate_required(required_fields())
|> validate_type()
# Domo adds typed_fields/0, required_fields/0 functions to the schema.
# Domo.Changeset defines validate_type/1 function.
See typed_fields/0
, required_fields/0
, and Domo.Changeset
documentation for details.
See detailed example is in the example_avialia project.
Integration with libraries generating t() type for a struct
Domo is compatible with most libraries that generate t()
type for a struct
and an Ecto schema, f.e. typed_struct
and typed_ecto_schema respectfully.
Just use Domo
in the module, and that's it.
An example is in the example_typed_integrations project.
TypedStruct's submodule generation with :module
option currently is not supported.
To use Domo in a project, add the following line to mix.exs
{:domo, "~> 1.5"}
And the following line to the project's mix.exs
compilers: [:domo_compiler] ++ Mix.compilers()
To exclude the generated TypeEnsurer
modules from mix test --coverage
add the following line, that works since Elixir v1.13, to the project's mix.exs
test_coverage: [ignore_modules: [~r/\.TypeEnsurer$/]]
To avoid mix format
putting extra parentheses around precond/1
macro call,
add the following import to the .formatter.exs
import_deps: [:domo]
Phoenix hot-reload
To enable Phoenix hot-reload for struct's type ensurers built by Domo,
update the compilers in the mix.exs
file like the following:
compilers: [:domo_compiler] ++ Mix.compilers() ++ [:domo_phoenix_hot_reload]
And add the following line to the endpoint's configuration in the config.exs
config :my_app, MyApp.Endpoint,
reloadable_compilers: [:phoenix, :domo_compiler] ++ Mix.compilers() ++ [:domo_phoenix_hot_reload]
Umbrella application
Add the Domo dependency and compilers config as mentioned in the section above
to the mix.exs
file for each app using Domo.
You may add the same compilers config line to the app itself and to the root
umbrella's mix.exs
to enable recompile
command to work correctly
for iex -S mix
run in the root.
The options listed below can be set globally in the configuration
with config :domo, option: value
. The value given
with use Domo, option: value
overrides the global setting.
- if set totrue
, disables the validation of default values given withdefstruct/1
to conform to thet()
type at compile time. Default isfalse
. -
- the name of the constructor function added to the module. The raising error function name is generated automatically from the given one by adding trailing!
. Defaults arenew
appropriately. -
- if set totrue
, prints warning instead of throwing an error for field type mismatch in the raising functions. Default isfalse
. -
- keyword list of type lists by modules that should be treated asany()
. F.e.[{ExternalModule, [:t, :name]}, {OtherModule, :t}]
Default isnil
Run the Application.put_env(:domo, :verbose_in_iex, true)
to enable verbose
messages from domo in Interactive Elixir console.
Performance 🐢
Library affects the project's full recompilation time almost insignificantly.
The compilation times for the business application with 38 structs (8 fields each on average) having 158 modules in total are the following:
Mode Average (by 3 measurements) Deviation
No Domo 14.826s 11.92
With Domo 15.711s 7.34
No Domo 14.826s
With Domo 15.711s - 1.06x slower
The library ensures the correctness of data types at run-time and that comes with the computation price.
For the Tweet struct having 13 fields, the validation takes 3x times longer and 2x more memory then creating the struct with possibly invalid data. And validation of the Tweet struct (13 fields) after nesting a User struct (18 fields) takes 6x times longer and 5x more memory than simple struct's altering. That's a linear growth depending on the number of fields in the nested struct.
It may seem plodding, and it may look like a non-performant to run in production. It's not that. Validation can be executed wisely at the critical check-points of the app where valuable. As a result, users get the application with correct states that are valid in many business contexts.
The run-time benchmark can be executed after cloning the repo with cd benchmark && mix benchmark
Generating 3000 inputs, may take a while.
Generated 3000 tweet inputs with summary approx. size of 1350KB.
Generated 3000 user inputs with summary approx. size of 1287KB.
Benchmark struct's construction
Operating System: macOS
CPU Information: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4870HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz
Number of Available Cores: 8
Available memory: 16 GB
Elixir 1.13.1
Erlang 24.1.5
Benchmark suite executing with the following configuration:
warmup: 2 s
time: 8 s
memory time: 2 s
parallel: 1
inputs: none specified
Estimated total run time: 24 s
Benchmarking struct!(__MODULE__, map)...
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
struct!(__MODULE__, map) 237.81 4.21 ms ±11.18% 4.18 ms 5.37 ms!(map) 84.18 11.88 ms ±5.75% 11.92 ms 13.31 ms
struct!(__MODULE__, map) 237.81!(map) 84.18 - 2.83x slower +7.67 ms
Memory usage statistics:
Name average deviation median 99th %
struct!(__MODULE__, map) 7.84 MB ±0.09% 7.83 MB 7.84 MB!(map) 15.64 MB ±0.02% 15.63 MB 15.64 MB
struct!(__MODULE__, map) 7.83 MB!(map) 15.64 MB - 2.00x memory usage +7.80 MB
Benchmark struct's field modification
Operating System: macOS
CPU Information: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4870HQ CPU @ 2.50GHz
Number of Available Cores: 8
Available memory: 16 GB
Elixir 1.13.1
Erlang 24.1.5
Benchmark suite executing with the following configuration:
warmup: 2 s
time: 8 s
memory time: 2 s
parallel: 1
inputs: none specified
Estimated total run time: 24 s
Benchmarking struct!(tweet, user: user)...
Benchmarking struct!(tweet, user: user) |> __MODULE__.ensure_type!()...
Name ips average deviation median 99th %
struct!(tweet, user: user) 407.83 2.45 ms ±9.65% 2.42 ms 3.03 ms
struct!(tweet, user: user) |> __MODULE__.ensure_type!() 63.98 15.63 ms ±4.86% 15.29 ms 17.59 ms
struct!(tweet, user: user) 407.83
struct!(tweet, user: user) |> __MODULE__.ensure_type!() 63.98 - 6.37x slower +13.18 ms
Memory usage statistics:
Name average deviation median 99th %
struct!(tweet, user: user) 2.98 MB ±0.12% 2.98 MB 2.98 MB
struct!(tweet, user: user) |> __MODULE__.ensure_type!() 14.59 MB ±0.09% 14.59 MB 14.60 MB
struct!(tweet, user: user) 2.98 MB
struct!(tweet, user: user) |> __MODULE__.ensure_type!() 14.59 MB - 4.90x memory usage +11.61 MB
Parametrized types are not supported because it adds lots of complexity.
Library returns {:type_not_found, :key}
for @type dict(key, value) :: [{key, value}]
Library returns error for type referencing parametrized type like
@type field :: container(integer())
Primitive types referencing themselves are not supported.
Library returns an error for @type leaf :: leaf | nil
On the other hand, structs referencing themselves are supported.
The library will build TypeEnsurer
for the following definition
@type t :: %__MODULE__{leaf: t | nil}
and validate.
To migrate to a new version of Domo, please, clean and recompile
the project with mix clean --deps && mix compile
It's possible to adopt Domo library in the project having user-defined
constructor functions named new/1
that interferes with Domo generated
function name. Here's how:
- Add
dependency to the project, configure compilers as described in the installation section - Set the name of the Domo generated constructor function by adding
config :domo, :name_of_new_function, :constructor_name
option into theconfix.exs
file, to prevent conflict with user-defined constructor function name - Add
use Domo
to existing struct, f.e.FirstStruct
- Change all struct building calls to be done with Domo generated function with
the name set on step 3 f.e.
- Remove user-defined constructor function
- Repeat for each struct in the project
Constructor, validation, and reflection functions added to the struct module using Domo.
Creates a struct validating type conformance and preconditions.
The argument is any Enumerable
that emits two-element tuples
(key-value pairs) during enumeration.
Returns the instance of the struct built from the given enumerable
Does so only if struct's field values conform to its t()
and all field's type and struct's type precondition functions return ok.
Raises an ArgumentError
if conditions described above are not fulfilled.
This function will check if every given key-value belongs to the struct
and raise KeyError
Creates a struct validating type conformance and preconditions.
The argument is any Enumerable
that emits two-element tuples
(key-value pairs) during enumeration.
Returns the instance of the struct built from the given enumerable
in the shape of {:ok, struct_value}
. Does so only if struct's
field values conform to its t()
type and all field's type and struct's
type precondition functions return ok.
If conditions described above are not fulfilled, the function
returns an appropriate error in the shape of {:error, message_by_field}
is a keyword list where the key is the name of
the field and value is the string with the error message.
Keys in the enumerable
that don't exist in the struct
are automatically discarded.
- when set totrue
, the values inmessage_by_field
instead of string become a list of error messages from precondition functions. If there are no error messages from precondition functions for a field's type, then all errors are returned unfiltered. Helpful in taking one of the custom errors after executing precondition functions in a deeply nested type to communicate back to the user. F.e. when the field's type is another struct. Default isfalse
Ensures that struct conforms to its t()
type and all preconditions
are fulfilled.
Returns struct when it's valid. Raises an ArgumentError
Useful for struct validation when its fields changed with map syntax
or with Map
module functions.
Ensures that struct conforms to its t()
type and all preconditions
are fulfilled.
Returns struct when it's valid in the shape of {:ok, struct}
Otherwise returns the error in the shape of {:error, message_by_field}
Useful for struct validation when its fields changed with map syntax
or with Map
module functions.
Returns the list of struct's fields defined with explicit types in its t()
type spec.
Does not return meta fields with __underscored__
names and fields
having any()
type by default.
Includes fields that have nil
type into the return list.
- when set totrue
, adds fields withany()
type to the return list. Default isfalse
. -
- when set totrue
, adds fields with__underscored__
names to the return list. Default isfalse
Returns the list of struct's fields having type others then nil
or any()
Does not return meta fields with __underscored__
Useful for validation of the required fields for emptiness.
F.e. with validate_required/2
call in the Ecto
- when set totrue
, adds fields with__underscored__
names to the return list. Default isfalse
Fork the repository and make a feature branch
After implementing of the feature format the code with:
mix format
run linter and tests to ensure that all works as expected with:
mix check || mix check --failed
Make a PR to this repository
v1.5.7 (2022-08-06)
- Fix to resolve mfa() type.
- Fix tests to acknowledge random order of keys in map.
v1.5.6 (2022-06-12)
- Fix to remove unnecessary code path to make
mix dialyzer
pass on generated code.
v1.5.5 (2022-06-12)
- Fix to repeatedly run
mix test
andmix dialyzer
without crashes.
v1.5.4 (2022-05-23)
- Fix to reenable the support of Phoenix hot-reload. If you use it then, please, add
list in the mix.exs file and toreloadable_compilers
list in the config file. - Add
configuration example to exclude generatedTypeEnsurer
modules from the test coverage report
v1.5.3 (2022-04-10)
- Fix to generate type ensurers only in the scope of the given app in umbrella
- Fix for Elixir v1.13 to recompile depending module's type ensurer on the change of type in another module by deleting
file - Deprecate
ensure_struct_defaults: false
forskip_defaults: true
, the former option is supported till the next version. Please, migrate to the latter one.
v1.5.2 (2022-01-02)
- Support of structs referencing themselves to build trees like
@type t :: %__MODULE__{left: t() | nil, right: t() | nil}
- Add project using Domo full recompilation time statistics
- Fix the benchmark subproject to make result values deviation <12%
v1.5.1 (2021-12-12)
- Fix to detect mix compile with more reliable
- Fix to make benchmark run again as sub-project
- Make
option to lift precondition error messages from the nested structs
v1.5.0 (2021-12-05)
- Fix bug to return explicit file read error message during the compile time
- Completely replace
for validation function calls to run faster - Link planner server to mix process for better state handling
- Support of the interactive use in
andlive book
Breaking change:
- Improve compilation speed by starting resolve planner only once in Domo mix task.
To migrate, please, put the
in mix.exs. And do the same forreloadable_compilers
key in config file if configured for Phoenix endpoint.
v1.4.1 (2021-11-16)
- Improve compatibility with Elixir v1.13
- Format string representations of an anonymous function passed to
macro error message
v1.4.0 (2021-11-15)
- Fix bug to detect runtime mode correctly when launched under test.
- Add support for
Breaking changes:
- Change
constructor function name tonew
that is more convenient. Search and replacenew_ok(
in all files of the project using Domo to migrate. - Constructor function name generation procedure changes to adding
to the value of:name_of_new_function
option. The defaults arenew
v1.3.4 (2021-10-13)
- Make error messages to be more informative
- Improve compatibility with
3.7.x - Explicitly define
as optional dependencies - Fix bug to pass
option withuse Domo
- Explicitly define that
should be validated withprecond
function for custom user type, because parametrizedt(value)
types are not supported - Replace
with Module.function calls to run faster
v1.3.3 (2021-10-07)
- Support validation of
- Fix bug to define precondition function for user type referencing any() or term()
v1.3.2 (2021-09-18)
- Support remote types in erlang modules like
- Shorten the invalid value output in the error message
- Increase validation speed by skipping fields that are not in
type spec or have theany()
type - Fix bug to skip validation of struct's enforced keys default value because they are ignored during the construction anyway
- Increase validation speed by generating
modules forDate
, andVersion
structs from the standard library at the first project compilation - Fix bug to call the
function of the user type pointing to a struct - Increase validation speed by encouraging to use Domo or to make a
function for struct referenced by a user type - Add
that checks whether aTypeEnsurer
module was generated for the given struct. - Add example of parsing with validating of the Contentful JSON reply via
v1.3.1 (2021-08-19)
- Fix bug to validate defaults having | nil type.
v1.3.0 (2021-08-15)
- Change the default name of the constructor function to
to follow Elixir naming convention. You can always change the name with theconfig :domo, :name_of_new_function, :new_func_name_here
app configuration. - Fix bug to validate defaults for every required field in a struct except
fields at compile-time. - Check whether the precondition function associated with
type returnstrue
at compile time regarding defaults correctness check. - Add examples of integrations with
v1.2.9 (2021-08-09)
- Fix bug to acknowledge that type has been changed after a failed compilation.
- Fix bug to match structs not using Domo with a field of
type with and without precondition. - Add
functions. - Add
maybe_filter_precond_errors: true
option that filters errors from precondition functions for better output for the user. - Extracted
operator and tag chain functions fromDomo.TaggedTuple
into tagged_tuple library.
v1.2.8 (2021-07-15)
- Add
functions to validate Ecto.Changeset field changes matching the t() type. - Fix the bug to return custom error from precondition function as underlying error for :| types.
v1.2.7 (2021-07-05)
- Fix the bug to make recompilation occur when fixing alias for remote type.
- Support custom errors to be returned from functions defined with
v1.2.6 (2021-06-21)
- Validates type conformance of default values given with
to the struct'st()
type at compile-time. - Includes only the most matching type error into the error message.
v1.2.5 (2021-06-14)
- Add
option to disable validation of specified complex remote types. What can be replaced by precondition for wrapping user-defined type.
v1.2.4 (2021-06-07)
- Speedup resolving of struct types
- Limit the number of allowed fields types combinations to 4096
- Support
- Keep type ensurers source code after compiling umbrella project
- Remove preconditions manifest file on
mix clean
command - List processed structs giving mix
v1.2.3 (2021-05-31)
- Support struct's attribute introduced in Elixir 1.12.0 for error checking
- Add user-defined precondition functions to check the allowed range of values
v1.2.2 (2021-05-05)
- Add support for
calls at compile time f.e. to specify default values
v1.2.1 (2021-04-25)
- Domo compiler is renamed to
- Compile
modules only if struct changes or dependency type changes - Phoenix hot-reload with
option is fully supported
v1.2.0 (2021-04-12)
- Resolve all types at compile time and build
modules for all structs - Make Domo library work with Elixir 1.11.x and take it as the required minimum version
- Introduce
operator to make tag chains withDomo.TaggedTuple
module (will be removed in v1.2.9)
v0.0.x - v1.0.x (2020-06-20)
- MVP like releases, resolving types at runtime. Adds
constructor to a struct
[x] Check if the field values passed as an argument to the
, andput/3
matches the field types defined intypedstruct/1
. -
[x] Support the keyword list as a possible argument for the
. -
[x] Add module option to put a warning in the console instead of raising of the
exception on value type mismatch. -
[x] Make global environment configuration options to turn errors into warnings that are equivalent to module ones.
[x] Move type resolving to the compile time.
[x] Keep only bare minimum of generated functions that are
and their _ok versions. -
[x] Make the
speed to be less or equal to 1.5 times of thestruct!/2
speed. -
[x] Support
calls in macros to specify default values f.e. in other structures. That is to check if default value matches type at compile time. -
[x] Support
macro to specify a struct field value's contract with a boolean function. -
[x] Support struct types referencing itself for tree structures.
[x] Evaluate full recompilation time for a project using Domo.
[x] Add use option to specify names of the generated functions.
[x] Add documentation to the generated for
, andensure_type!(_ok)/1
functions in a struct.
Copyright © 2020-2022 Ivan Rublev
This project is licensed under the MIT license.