May I first thank you for a wonderful plugin, once again. I would like to suggest another improvement toward the background-image suggestion. Lets say I have following image-sets: - small-480...
If one of the image-sizes was changed and the image was not re-generated, the plugin gives a notice: Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in .../wp-content/plugins/responsify-wp/includes/style.php
It would be awesome to allow the plugin to produce the set of CSS background-image output also: Something like: background-image: url( http://test.dev/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Megapolis.jpg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; background-position: 50% 50%; }...
The rwp_img( $image_id, $rwp_settings); returns "" if the requested $rwp_settings produce no valid scrset of image-sizes [the image-sizes were not re-generated]. I would expect the FALSE result instead.
This Theme was not updated for more than 10 months now... Is this feature dead?
All the AMP pages have the following error in the : Notice: AMP_Post_Template::verify_and_include was called incorrectly. Path validation for template () failed. Path cannot traverse and must be located in...
The single.php has hard-coded and sets 'single-post' even on pages...
The Theme displays the post Thumbnail if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) in single.php Change it to: if ( has_post_thumbnail() OR $redux_builder_amp['amp-structured-data-placeholder-image'] ) { if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) $thumb_id = get_post_thumbnail_id(); else...
When 'AMP Starter Theme' plugin is activated the AMPforWP Options should have the 'Design' tab inactive, since it has no effect on 'AMP Starter Theme' , or does it?
The single-post pages have the following output: Notice: AMP_Post_Template::verify_and_include was called incorrectly. Path validation for template () failed. Path cannot traverse and must be located in `WP_CONTENT_DIR`. Please see Debugging...