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Feature Request: Support Custom Scripts Written in Python

Open simonrouse9461 opened this issue 3 years ago • 2 comments

As Python is getting more and more popular, supporting Python as a custom script language will be very convenient for the growing community of people who are more comfortable with Python.

simonrouse9461 avatar Jun 18 '21 01:06 simonrouse9461

Also "eval python" could be interesting. There is a 2.x python interpreter preinstalled on every mac that could be used for this. Not the latest & greatest, but it's better than nothing

Not a Swift/JS developer, but i imagine there is access to the /usr/bin/python interpreter

Altair-Bueno avatar Aug 21 '21 19:08 Altair-Bueno

Beyond that, there's also the possibility to use a bundled pyodide interpreter in a script somehow. The script itself would be massive once bundled to one file and the startup time of the wasm runtime might be nasty but tbh it might just work?

Cobular avatar Mar 17 '23 22:03 Cobular