BlazorTable icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
BlazorTable copied to clipboard

Blazor Table Component with Sorting, Paging and Filtering

Results 99 BlazorTable issues
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(example sort by column B followed by column C for tie breakers)

Предлагаю добавить возможность выбор ивента на глобальном поиске, или поменять его на @oninput, что бы фильтр применялся при вводе и не нужно было нажимать на ввод или убирать фокус.


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**Describe the bug** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. **To Reproduce** Please create a standalone Page which reproduces the issue and paste the code here in...


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I have an application that makes use of BlazorTable paging. It basically looks like: ``` protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() { _loader = new BreakpointOrganismPickerDataLoader(dataService, Props.BreakpointProject, Props.BreakpointGroup); data = (await...


Currently I can select a row and an action is fired. I would like for the selected row to remain highlighted even when I scroll/page off the selected row and...


**Describe the bug** I am writing a unit test for a component but I get an exception' ![image]( I realize that I am using bUnit to render my components but...


I am trying to build a table of integers but that is not working. The column headers never show up. Looking at the Chrome Debugger I see that a Null...
