hbase-spark-playground copied to clipboard
A basic java word count for spark
- A basic Java class that reads and writes in HBase @see spark.examples.HBaseUtils
- A basic java word count for spark @see spark.examples.SparkWordCount
- A basic java class that uses spark for reading and writing in HBase @see spark.examples.SparkToHBase
####How-to Optionally you'll need to set your hadoop configuration with the following commmand: export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/etc/hadoop/conf # path to your hadoop configuration
####Run locally
- Word count java -cp ./target/hbase-spark-playground-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar spark.examples.SparkWordCount local[1] README.md
- HBase reader java -cp ./target/hbase-spark-playground-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar spark.examples.SparkToHBase local[1]
####Run locally with 8 cores hadoop fs -put README.md spark-submit --class spark.examples.SparkWordCount --master local[8] ./target/hbase-spark-playground-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar local[8] README.md spark-submit --class spark.examples.SparkToHBase --master local[8] ./target/hbase-spark-playground-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar local[8]
####Run in a yarn cluster spark-submit --class spark.examples.SparkWordCount --master yarn-cluster --executor-memory 1G --num-executors 2 ./target/hbase-spark-playground-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar yarn-cluster README.md spark-submit --class spark.examples.SparkToHBase --master yarn-cluster --executor-memory 1G --num-executors 2 ./target/hbase-spark-playground-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar yarn-cluster