
Results 160 comments of Itxaka

Fixed in part on There is still some ros-installer calls on the smoke/install tests but those are not working for now and are being worked on by @ldevulder I...

Note that downstream OBS already builds for arm64

No idea what we would release as part of elemental...maybe the docker image built? A text file containing the links tot he docker images released? Note that the official release...

why do we need this? Once we have installed rke2/k3s and those deployments are up, then the usage of those are out of elemental scope, aren't them? if they are...

Interesting. Do we have a list of products that would we support 100%, i.e. the rancher products (longhorn, harvester, etc..)? We could start by that, having a list of those...

- elemental-toolkit is using arm64 workers (1 in aws, 2 internal suse) for building arm64 packages, rest of the jobs use github workers. - elemental-cli is using ONLY github workers...

> It was to speedup the build process, but can use a GH runner instead of s self-hosted one yes. I think we need first to check what are we...

arm64 workers are available in GCE. I created an instance template called `elemental-ci-runner-arm64-v2` which contains the bare minimum to support creating VMs that can run the runner. The template has...

Looks like GKE clusters are also available which could be a good way of deploying workers and save money, as the priceis per pod per hour, which seems to be...

Azure Arm instances are also available, so its mostly up to us to decide where to move everything. I have no preference one way or another.