Ishaan Desai
Ishaan Desai
You have definitely already overcome the first challenge of having an OS on which both Fluent and preCICE work. > Do you happen to have a directory and case file...
Yes you have to delete the folder `libudf/` and follow the steps in the README file from the start. I think back then I pushed the pre-compiled UDFs unintentionally.
Firstly the `mpi` selection used to a problem before too so it is good to see that you found the relevant command for Fluent to be able to use `openmpi`...
Okay, lets try to debug further. In the file `fluent-0-error.log` towards the end we see errors of the form: ``` /opt/Software/ansys/v202/fluent/fluent20.2.0/lnamd64/2ddp_node/fluent_mpi.20.2.0(Init_Flow+0x4cd) [0xb4e3fd] /opt/Software/ansys/v202/fluent/fluent20.2.0/lnamd64/2ddp_node/fluent_mpi.20.2.0() [0x605337] /opt/Software/ansys/v202/fluent/fluent20.2.0/lnamd64/2ddp_node/fluent_mpi.20.2.0(eval+0x4b5) [0x206dbb5] /opt/Software/ansys/v202/fluent/fluent20.2.0/lnamd64/2ddp_node/fluent_mpi.20.2.0(PRF_Command_Start+0x131e) [0x5f1c1e] /opt/Software/ansys/v202/fluent/fluent20.2.0/lnamd64/2ddp_node/fluent_mpi.20.2.0(PRF_Node_repl+0x2e) [0x5f2ede]...
Firstly thanks for continuing to pursue this, it is really valuable to revive the adapter :smiley: It was known that Fluent starts processes `n0` and `host` and I had made...
I also spent a lot of time misunderstanding stuff in this adapter so we are pretty much on the same page there :wink: It is great that you managed to...
> I've been documenting a lot of what I did in the file. Details of how to get Fluent to use any MPI are specified there. I forked this...
> Yes, when I try and upload a file with the .xml extension to these comments, GitHub yells at me as says that this filetype is not supported. The same...
All the GUI steps look to be in order. I think there is a problem with the object `Domain* domain` that the function `fsi_init` receives from Fluent. I am trying...
@mtree22 in addition to our discussion here over the last few days, lets try to have an extended discussion during the upcoming workshop on the user support day. We will...