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1. python 2.7.13 installed and pip install gmusicapi (all dependencies installed) 2. IronPython 2.7.7 via nuget in visual studio 2015 I can use gmusicapi classes without problems when running python.exe...

Hello, I've experienced a problem similar to the one [in this closed issue]( I'm using the latest version of IronPython (2.7.7), on a windows10 64 bit. I'm calling to python...

*\* Overview *\* running ipy.exe or ipy64.exe within cygwin's MinTTY console gives an IOERROR *\* Expected Behavior *\* a python console for interacting *\* Actual Behavior *\* console prints (in...


This isn't something we're likely to implement soon - there's lots of challenges in getting this to work. Unfortunately you'll probably not be able to get it working from C#...

Hi, my program use dup() and fdopen() of module os which is available with CPython on Windows, but not with IronPython. Do you plan to implement the two functions? ##...


IronPython fails the attached IronPythonTestCase.test_generator_scope test. $ ipy -m testipy IronPythonTestCase.test_generator_scope # E ERROR: test_generator_scope ( *\* main *\* .IronPythonTestCase) ## Test the scopes of the variables in a...

We should be able to compare non-public structs but currently it doesn't work. State in the tokenizer was made public because of this. ``` import clr clr.AddReference('test') import X X.Baz()...


Ctl-Z throws an EOFError in raw_input under CPython but simply returns the empty string under IronPython. Error occurs with both 2.0.1 and 2.6 A1 CPython: Python 2.5.4 (r254:67916, Dec 23...

The three member "_classType,_HEAPTYPE,_slotnames" in module copy_reg were not implemented in ironpython ## Work Item Details **Original CodePlex Issue:** [Issue 8565]( **Status:** Active **Reason Closed:** Unassigned **Assigned to:** Unassigned **Reported...

raise ValueError(1), "foo" should throw a type error since the type is an instance and the value can't be converted to the type. This is excercised by the CPython2.5 test...