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Pistons skip frames and it and the block it's sticking to literally disappears

Open coolmanpac opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments

What happened?

The piston just dissapears as it shows in one screenshot for a split second, and when i use big redstone machines it looks terrible and laggy.


2023-08-01_23 50 13 2023-08-01_23 49 26 2023-08-01_23 50 08 2023-08-01_23 50 08_2 2023-08-01_23 50 09

Log output

[23:28:59] [main/INFO]: Loading Minecraft 1.20.1 with Fabric Loader 0.14.21 [23:29:00] [main/INFO]: Loading 61 mods: - fabric-api 0.86.1+1.20.1 |-- fabric-api-base 0.4.30+7abfd51577 |-- fabric-api-lookup-api-v1 1.6.35+4d8536c977 |-- fabric-biome-api-v1 13.0.10+b3afc78b77 |-- fabric-block-api-v1 1.0.9+e022e5d177 |-- fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1 1.1.40+b3afc78b77 |-- fabric-client-tags-api-v1 1.1.1+97bb207577 |-- fabric-command-api-v1 1.2.33+f71b366f77 |-- fabric-command-api-v2 2.2.12+b3afc78b77 |-- fabric-commands-v0 0.2.50+df3654b377 |-- fabric-containers-v0 0.1.62+df3654b377 |-- fabric-content-registries-v0 4.0.9+b3afc78b77 |-- fabric-convention-tags-v1 1.5.4+a1a980da77 |-- fabric-crash-report-info-v1 0.2.18+aeb40ebe77 |-- fabric-data-generation-api-v1 12.2.1+1e61dba177 |-- fabric-dimensions-v1 2.1.52+b3afc78b77 |-- fabric-entity-events-v1 1.5.22+b3afc78b77 |-- fabric-events-interaction-v0 0.6.1+e91849a877 |-- fabric-events-lifecycle-v0 0.2.62+df3654b377 |-- fabric-game-rule-api-v1 1.0.38+b04edc7a77 |-- fabric-item-api-v1 2.1.27+b3afc78b77 |-- fabric-item-group-api-v1 4.0.10+23d9108177 |-- fabric-key-binding-api-v1 1.0.36+fb8d95da77 |-- fabric-keybindings-v0 0.2.34+df3654b377 |-- fabric-lifecycle-events-v1 2.2.21+b3afc78b77 |-- fabric-loot-api-v2 1.1.39+b3afc78b77 |-- fabric-loot-tables-v1 1.1.43+9e7660c677 |-- fabric-message-api-v1 5.1.7+3265161977 |-- fabric-mining-level-api-v1 2.1.49+b3afc78b77 |-- fabric-model-loading-api-v1 1.0.2+709a987177 |-- fabric-models-v0 0.4.1+9386d8a777 |-- fabric-networking-api-v1 1.3.9+b3afc78b77 |-- fabric-networking-v0 0.3.49+df3654b377 |-- fabric-object-builder-api-v1 11.1.1+6beca84877 |-- fabric-particles-v1 1.1.1+201a23a077 |-- fabric-recipe-api-v1 1.0.19+b3afc78b77 |-- fabric-registry-sync-v0 2.3.1+4df89eb277 |-- fabric-renderer-api-v1 3.1.1+9386d8a777 |-- fabric-renderer-indigo 1.4.1+9172968c77 |-- fabric-renderer-registries-v1 3.2.45+df3654b377 |-- fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1 0.3.34+b3afc78b77 |-- fabric-rendering-fluids-v1 3.0.27+b3afc78b77 |-- fabric-rendering-v0 1.1.48+df3654b377 |-- fabric-rendering-v1 3.0.7+b3afc78b77 |-- fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1 2.3.5+ea08f9d877 |-- fabric-resource-loader-v0 0.11.9+132c48c177 |-- fabric-screen-api-v1 2.0.7+b3afc78b77 |-- fabric-screen-handler-api-v1 1.3.28+b3afc78b77 |-- fabric-sound-api-v1 1.0.12+b3afc78b77 |-- fabric-transfer-api-v1 3.3.0+cdf060b277 -- fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1 4.3.0+6c31357e77 - fabricloader 0.14.21 - indium 1.0.21+mc1.20.1 - iris 1.6.4 |-- io_github_douira_glsl-transformer 2.0.0-pre13 |-- org_anarres_jcpp 1.4.14 -- org_antlr_antlr4-runtime 4.11.1 - java 17 - minecraft 1.20.1 - sodium 0.4.10+build.27 - worldedit 7.2.15+6463-5ca4dff [23:29:00] [main/INFO]: SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version=0.8.5 Source=file:/C:/Users/peter/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/libraries/net/fabricmc/sponge-mixin/0.12.5+mixin.0.8.5/sponge-mixin-0.12.5+mixin.0.8.5.jar Service=Knot/Fabric Env=CLIENT [23:29:00] [main/INFO]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_16 [23:29:00] [main/INFO]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_17 [23:29:01] [main/INFO]: Loaded configuration file for Sodium: 33 options available, 3 override(s) found [23:29:01] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/fabricmc/fabric/impl/client/indigo/renderer/render/AbstractQuadRenderer (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/fabricmc/fabric/impl/client/indigo/renderer/render/AbstractQuadRenderer) [23:29:01] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: link/infra/indium/renderer/render/BaseQuadRenderer (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: link/infra/indium/renderer/render/BaseQuadRenderer) [23:29:01] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'features.entity.fast_render.MixinCuboid' as rule 'mixin.features.entity.fast_render' (added by mods [iris]) disables it and children [23:29:01] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'features.entity.fast_render.MixinModelPart' as rule 'mixin.features.entity.fast_render' (added by mods [iris]) disables it and children [23:29:01] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin 'features.gui.font.MixinGlyphRenderer' as rule 'mixin.features.gui.font' (added by mods [iris]) disables it and children [23:29:01] [main/WARN]: Force-disabling mixin '' as rule '' (added by mods [iris]) disables it and children [23:29:10] [Datafixer Bootstrap/INFO]: 188 Datafixer optimizations took 200 milliseconds [23:29:13] [Render thread/INFO]: Launching a new process to probe the system configuration! [23:29:14] [Render thread/INFO]: OpenGL Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation [23:29:14] [Render thread/INFO]: OpenGL Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 [23:29:14] [Render thread/INFO]: OpenGL Version: 3.3.0 NVIDIA 531.29 [23:29:14] [Render thread/WARN]: Enabling workaround for NVIDIA graphics drivers on Windows (issue #1486) [23:29:14] [Render thread/WARN]: One or more workarounds were enabled to prevent crashes or other issues on your system. You may need to update your graphics drivers. [23:29:14] [Render thread/INFO]: Environment: authHost='', accountsHost='', sessionHost='', servicesHost='', name='PROD' [23:29:15] [Render thread/INFO]: Setting user: TrueFuze [23:29:16] [Render thread/INFO]: Got request to register class com.sk89q.worldedit.fabric.FabricPlatform with WorldEdit [com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.PlatformManager@5b8e302d] [23:29:16] [Render thread/INFO]: WorldEdit for Fabric (version 7.2.15+6463-5ca4dff) is loaded [23:29:16] [Render thread/INFO]: [Indigo] Different rendering plugin detected; not applying Indigo. [23:29:16] [Render thread/WARN]: Static binding violation: PRIVATE @Overwrite method method_23182 in sodium.mixins.json:features.item.MixinItemRenderer from mod sodium cannot reduce visibiliy of PUBLIC target method, visibility will be upgraded. [23:29:16] [Render thread/ERROR]: Error parsing option value 0 for option Max Framerate: Value 0 outside of range [10:260] [23:29:17] [Render thread/INFO]: Backend library: LWJGL version 3.3.1 SNAPSHOT [23:29:17] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1/WARN]: [Iris Update Check] This version doesn't have an update index, skipping. [23:29:17] [Render thread/INFO]: Debug functionality is disabled. [23:29:17] [Render thread/INFO]: ARB_direct_state_access detected, enabling DSA. [23:29:18] [Render thread/INFO]: Profile: HIGH (+3 options changed by user) [23:29:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Using shaderpack: [23:29:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Found non-pack entry 'C:\Users\peter\AppData\Roaming.minecraft\resourcepacks\continuity-3.0.0-beta.3+1.20.1.jar', ignoring [23:29:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Hardware information: [23:29:20] [Render thread/INFO]: CPU: 12x Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz [23:29:20] [Render thread/INFO]: GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 (Supports OpenGL 3.2.0 NVIDIA 531.29) [23:29:20] [Render thread/INFO]: OS: Windows 11 (10.0) [23:29:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: vanilla, file/Better+Leaves+Add-on+V3.0-1.20 (1).zip, fabric (fabric-api, fabric-api-base, fabric-api-lookup-api-v1, fabric-biome-api-v1, fabric-block-api-v1, fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1, fabric-client-tags-api-v1, fabric-command-api-v1, fabric-command-api-v2, fabric-commands-v0, fabric-containers-v0, fabric-content-registries-v0, fabric-convention-tags-v1, fabric-crash-report-info-v1, fabric-data-generation-api-v1, fabric-dimensions-v1, fabric-entity-events-v1, fabric-events-interaction-v0, fabric-events-lifecycle-v0, fabric-game-rule-api-v1, fabric-item-api-v1, fabric-item-group-api-v1, fabric-key-binding-api-v1, fabric-keybindings-v0, fabric-lifecycle-events-v1, fabric-loot-api-v2, fabric-loot-tables-v1, fabric-message-api-v1, fabric-mining-level-api-v1, fabric-model-loading-api-v1, fabric-models-v0, fabric-networking-api-v1, fabric-networking-v0, fabric-object-builder-api-v1, fabric-particles-v1, fabric-recipe-api-v1, fabric-registry-sync-v0, fabric-renderer-api-v1, fabric-renderer-indigo, fabric-renderer-registries-v1, fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1, fabric-rendering-fluids-v1, fabric-rendering-v0, fabric-rendering-v1, fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1, fabric-resource-loader-v0, fabric-screen-api-v1, fabric-screen-handler-api-v1, fabric-sound-api-v1, fabric-transfer-api-v1, fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1, fabricloader, indium, iris, sodium, worldedit) [23:29:21] [Worker-Main-4/INFO]: Found unifont_all_no_pua-15.0.06.hex, loading [23:29:21] [Render thread/INFO]: Creating pipeline for dimension OVERWORLD [23:29:21] [Render thread/INFO]: Starting custom uniform resolving [23:29:21] [Render thread/WARN]: Failed to resolve uniform rainStrength, reason: Variable shadows build in uniform: rainStrength ( = FunctionCall{clamp {[Id{rainStrength}, Number{0.0}, Number{1.0}]} }) java.lang.Exception: Variable shadows build in uniform: rainStrength at net.coderbot.iris.uniforms.custom.CustomUniforms.addVariable( ~[iris-mc1.20-1.6.4.jar:?] at net.coderbot.iris.uniforms.custom.CustomUniforms.( ~[iris-mc1.20-1.6.4.jar:?] at net.coderbot.iris.uniforms.custom.CustomUniforms$ ~[iris-mc1.20-1.6.4.jar:?] at net.coderbot.iris.uniforms.custom.CustomUniforms$ ~[iris-mc1.20-1.6.4.jar:?] at net.coderbot.iris.pipeline.newshader.NewWorldRenderingPipeline.( ~[iris-mc1.20-1.6.4.jar:?] at net.coderbot.iris.Iris.createPipeline( ~[iris-mc1.20-1.6.4.jar:?] at net.coderbot.iris.pipeline.PipelineManager.preparePipeline( ~[iris-mc1.20-1.6.4.jar:?] at net.coderbot.iris.Iris.onLoadingComplete( ~[iris-mc1.20-1.6.4.jar:?] at net.minecraft.class_442.handler$zmf000$iris$showSodiumIncompatScreen( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.class_442.method_25426( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.class_437.method_25423( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.class_310.method_1507( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.class_310.method_51251( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.class_310.( ~[client-intermediary.jar:?] at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( ~[fabric-loader-0.14.21-1.20.1.jar:?] at ~[fabric-loader-0.14.21.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( ~[fabric-loader-0.14.21.jar:?] at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main( ~[fabric-loader-0.14.21.jar:?] [23:29:23] [Render thread/WARN]: [Patcher] gl_FragColor is not supported yet, please use gl_FragData! Assuming that the shaderpack author intended to use gl_FragData[0]... [23:29:25] [Render thread/WARN]: Missing sound for event: [23:29:25] [Render thread/WARN]: Missing sound for event: minecraft:entity.goat.screaming.horn_break [23:29:25] [Render thread/INFO]: OpenAL initialized on device OpenAL Soft on Headset Earphone (G435 Wireless Gaming Headset) [23:29:25] [Render thread/INFO]: Sound engine started [23:29:25] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 1024x512x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/blocks.png-atlas [23:29:25] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 256x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/signs.png-atlas [23:29:25] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 512x512x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/shield_patterns.png-atlas [23:29:25] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 512x512x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/banner_patterns.png-atlas [23:29:25] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 1024x1024x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/armor_trims.png-atlas [23:29:25] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 128x64x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/decorated_pot.png-atlas [23:29:25] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 256x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/chest.png-atlas [23:29:25] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 512x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/shulker_boxes.png-atlas [23:29:25] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 512x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/beds.png-atlas [23:29:26] [Render thread/WARN]: Shader rendertype_entity_translucent_emissive could not find sampler named Sampler2 in the specified shader program. [23:29:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 256x256x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/particles.png-atlas [23:29:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 256x256x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/paintings.png-atlas [23:29:26] [Render thread/INFO]: Created: 128x128x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/mob_effects.png-atlas [23:29:46] [Render thread/INFO]: Destroying pipeline OVERWORLD [23:29:46] [Render thread/WARN]: Unable to resolve shader pack option menu element "" defined in [23:29:46] [Render thread/INFO]: Profile: medium (+0 options changed by user) [23:29:47] [Render thread/WARN]: Warning: the block ID map entry "betterendforge::lumecorn:shape=light_top_middle" could not be fully parsed: [23:29:47] [Render thread/WARN]: - Block state property filters must be of the form "key=value", but lumecorn is not of that form! [23:29:47] [Render thread/WARN]: Warning: the block ID map entry "betterendforge::lumecorn:shape=light_middle" could not be fully parsed: [23:29:47] [Render thread/WARN]: - Block state property filters must be of the form "key=value", but lumecorn is not of that form! [23:29:47] [Render thread/WARN]: Warning: the block ID map entry "betterendforge::lumecorn:shape=light_bottom" could not be fully parsed: [23:29:47] [Render thread/WARN]: - Block state property filters must be of the form "key=value", but lumecorn is not of that form! [23:29:47] [Render thread/WARN]: Warning: the block ID map entry "betterendforge::purple_polypore" could not be fully parsed: [23:29:47] [Render thread/WARN]: - Block state property filters must be of the form "key=value", but purple_polypore is not of that form! [23:29:47] [Render thread/WARN]: Warning: the block ID map entry "betterendforge::bulb_vine:shape=bottom" could not be fully parsed: [23:29:47] [Render thread/WARN]: - Block state property filters must be of the form "key=value", but bulb_vine is not of that form! [23:29:47] [Render thread/INFO]: Using shaderpack: [23:29:51] [Render thread/INFO]: Found new data pack fabric, loading it automatically [23:29:53] [Render thread/INFO]: Registering commands with com.sk89q.worldedit.fabric.FabricPlatform [23:29:53] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded 7 recipes [23:29:53] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded 1271 advancements [23:29:54] [Render thread/INFO]: Applied 0 biome modifications to 0 of 64 new biomes in 2.206 ms [23:29:54] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.20.1 [23:29:54] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair [23:29:54] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:overworld [23:29:57] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [23:29:57] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [23:29:57] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [23:29:57] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [23:29:57] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [23:29:57] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [23:29:57] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [23:29:58] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0% [23:29:58] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 11% [23:29:59] [Render thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 48% [23:29:59] [Render thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 4857 ms [23:30:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 16, from 10 [23:30:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing simulation distance to 18, from 0 [23:30:02] [Server thread/INFO]: TrueFuze[local:E:0933fa3e] logged in with entity id 26 at (114.552648072938, -54.01976380591842, 66.18325775200789) [23:30:02] [Server thread/INFO]: TrueFuze joined the game [23:30:03] [Render thread/INFO]: Started 6 worker threads [23:30:04] [Render thread/INFO]: Loaded 142 advancements [23:30:04] [Render thread/INFO]: Creating pipeline for dimension OVERWORLD [23:30:04] [Render thread/INFO]: Starting custom uniform resolving [23:30:05] [Render thread/WARN]: [Patcher] gl_FragColor is not supported yet, please use gl_FragData! Assuming that the shaderpack author intended to use gl_FragData[0]... [23:30:07] [Render thread/INFO]: Stopping worker threads [23:30:07] [Render thread/INFO]: Started 6 worker threads [23:30:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game... [23:30:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[things for survival]'/minecraft:overworld [23:30:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[things for survival]'/minecraft:the_nether [23:30:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[things for survival]'/minecraft:the_end [23:30:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game... [23:30:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[things for survival]'/minecraft:overworld [23:30:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[things for survival]'/minecraft:the_nether [23:30:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[things for survival]'/minecraft:the_end [23:37:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game... [23:37:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[things for survival]'/minecraft:overworld [23:37:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[things for survival]'/minecraft:the_nether [23:37:16] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[things for survival]'/minecraft:the_end [23:37:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Destroying pipeline OVERWORLD [23:37:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Shaders are disabled because enableShaders is set to false in [23:37:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Shaders are disabled [23:37:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Creating pipeline for dimension OVERWORLD [23:37:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Stopping worker threads [23:37:20] [Render thread/INFO]: Started 6 worker threads [23:37:31] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game... [23:37:31] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[things for survival]'/minecraft:overworld [23:37:31] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[things for survival]'/minecraft:the_nether [23:37:31] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[things for survival]'/minecraft:the_end [23:45:50] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game... [23:45:50] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[things for survival]'/minecraft:overworld [23:45:50] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[things for survival]'/minecraft:the_nether [23:45:50] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[things for survival]'/minecraft:the_end [23:45:55] [Render thread/INFO]: Destroying pipeline OVERWORLD [23:45:55] [Render thread/WARN]: Unable to resolve shader pack option menu element "" defined in [23:45:55] [Render thread/INFO]: Profile: medium (+0 options changed by user) [23:45:56] [Render thread/WARN]: Warning: the block ID map entry "betterendforge::lumecorn:shape=light_top_middle" could not be fully parsed: [23:45:56] [Render thread/WARN]: - Block state property filters must be of the form "key=value", but lumecorn is not of that form! [23:45:56] [Render thread/WARN]: Warning: the block ID map entry "betterendforge::lumecorn:shape=light_middle" could not be fully parsed: [23:45:56] [Render thread/WARN]: - Block state property filters must be of the form "key=value", but lumecorn is not of that form! [23:45:56] [Render thread/WARN]: Warning: the block ID map entry "betterendforge::lumecorn:shape=light_bottom" could not be fully parsed: [23:45:56] [Render thread/WARN]: - Block state property filters must be of the form "key=value", but lumecorn is not of that form! [23:45:56] [Render thread/WARN]: Warning: the block ID map entry "betterendforge::purple_polypore" could not be fully parsed: [23:45:56] [Render thread/WARN]: - Block state property filters must be of the form "key=value", but purple_polypore is not of that form! [23:45:56] [Render thread/WARN]: Warning: the block ID map entry "betterendforge::bulb_vine:shape=bottom" could not be fully parsed: [23:45:56] [Render thread/WARN]: - Block state property filters must be of the form "key=value", but bulb_vine is not of that form! [23:45:56] [Render thread/INFO]: Using shaderpack: [23:45:56] [Render thread/INFO]: Creating pipeline for dimension OVERWORLD [23:45:56] [Render thread/INFO]: Starting custom uniform resolving [23:45:56] [Render thread/WARN]: [Patcher] gl_FragColor is not supported yet, please use gl_FragData! Assuming that the shaderpack author intended to use gl_FragData[0]... [23:45:56] [Render thread/INFO]: Stopping worker threads [23:45:56] [Render thread/INFO]: Started 6 worker threads [23:46:03] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game... [23:46:03] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[things for survival]'/minecraft:overworld [23:46:03] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[things for survival]'/minecraft:the_nether [23:46:03] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[things for survival]'/minecraft:the_end [23:46:57] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game... [23:46:57] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[things for survival]'/minecraft:overworld [23:46:57] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[things for survival]'/minecraft:the_nether [23:46:57] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[things for survival]'/minecraft:the_end [23:48:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game... [23:48:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[things for survival]'/minecraft:overworld [23:48:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[things for survival]'/minecraft:the_nether [23:48:11] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[things for survival]'/minecraft:the_end [23:49:27] [Render thread/INFO]: [System] [CHAT] Saved screenshot as 2023-08-01_23.49.26.png [23:50:09] [Render thread/INFO]: [System] [CHAT] Saved screenshot as 2023-08-01_23.50.08.png [23:50:09] [Render thread/INFO]: [System] [CHAT] Saved screenshot as 2023-08-01_23.50.08_2.png [23:50:09] [Render thread/INFO]: [System] [CHAT] Saved screenshot as 2023-08-01_23.50.09.png [23:50:13] [Render thread/INFO]: [System] [CHAT] Saved screenshot as 2023-08-01_23.50.13.png

Minecraft Version

Minecraft 1.20

Iris Version


Operating System

Windows 11

What is your GPU?

Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630

Additional context

This happens on make-up-ultrafast and complementary shaders

coolmanpac avatar Aug 02 '23 07:08 coolmanpac