SiriShortcuts icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
SiriShortcuts copied to clipboard

Scripts to control Windows PC over SSH

Siri Shortcuts

A Collection of useful Shortcuts for iOS 15+

Computer Interaction

Shortcuts to control and interact with a Windows PC


  1. A Windows Computer running Windows 10 or 11
  2. Windows SSH Server enabled
  3. PSExec (in PSTools) set up properly on your computer. You can download it manually, or use the Siri Shortcut to install it automatically in the next section.
  4. BurntToast installed (also can be installed automatically in the next section)

SSH Base is required for all other shortcuts to run.

SSH Base Install PSExec
QR SSH Base QR Install PSExec

You'll find that most other shortcuts are really simple once SSH Base is installed. If you need to set up PSExec and BurntToast automatically, you can run the InstallPSExec shortcut after you get SSH Base.

AirDrop to and from Windows PC

AirDrop Files/Photos/Videos to PC Easy

QR Code Details
QR Send File to PC Sends the file to your PC with a notification that adapts to the filetype (e.g. Images will show in the notification, documents will have a file icon, etc). By default, saves the files in your Downloads folder.Runs fast, as it does not need PSExec.

AirDrop Link to PC Easy

QR Code Details
QR Send Link to PC Sends the URL to your PC as a notification that can be clicked to open.Runs fast, as it does not need PSExec.

AirDrop Text to PC Easy

QR Code Details
QR Send Text to PC Sends the text to your PC as a notification and also to the clipboard.Links sent in this way can be clicked to open them

Copy From PC Easy

QR Code Details
QR Copy From PC Gets text/URLs from the computer's clipboard and copies them to the device.Usage: • Copy text on PC (Ctrl + C) • Run shortcut • Paste copied content directly or tap on notification to show links.

PC Controls

Unlock Computer Advanced

No longer works. Windows has patched the workaround used to enable this.

Lock Computer Easy

QR Code Details
QR Lock Computer Locks the computer. Much simpler than unlocking it.


  • Nothing seems to happen when the commands are run
    • Most likely this is due to either the SSH server not being set up properly, or powershell's execution policy not allowing remote scripts from running.
      • For case 1, make sure OpenSSH Server is set up properly using the tutorial posted at the top
      • For case 2, open powershell and type Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned or use the updated version of PSExec Base (just scan the QR code above again and overwrite the existing one)

Standalone Shortcuts

Colourize Image Easy

QR Code Details
QR Colourize Image Takes a black and white image and converts it to colour using the deeplearning API by AlgorithmiaGo here to sign up and get your own API key first.