VCVRack-Simple copied to clipboard
Recorder (2 channels)
I will use this portaudio code for the Wav writer (like the dekstop Recorder).
- [x] start / stop
- [x] inputs Left / Right
- [x] Record arm
- [x] Start recording
- [ ] Input volume
- [x] Record start (for recorder chain)
[ ] Mode to record many WAV in row. In this mode the defined output file name will be suffixed by a number, and when a recording start the number will be incremented. Maybe this mode should be the normal behavior?
I've been trying to use your recorder, but file seems to be corrupted. No player can play it.
@Krzycho666: Hi! Please create an issue with details such as your OS and the steps to reproduce your problem. I'm not able to reproduce your problem on OSX and Windows 7.