p.s. I have found the macro below for a problem that sounds similair to mine. But I need information on how to run it. Do I need DDT2000 to be...
Hmmm. Ok. Thank you for your quick reply shrlnm. Its very much appreciated. Ím thinking as an alternative, since this is a brand new device with factory installed firmware, would...
Hmm, i have two phones i've tested, galaxy s8 and galaxy s10. I have the same problem on both. I dont hear anything. But the other party will hear robotic...
Shrlnm, how did you downgrade from V9 to V7? Is there an unofficial downgrade file floating around somewhere on the web or did you go to the Renault dealer for...
I decided to just go for it and try out the rlink2_accoustic_8.cmd macro on my v9.0.34.611 boot version 5661 to try and solve the problem. And it worked!! Im glad...
RamyarHP, what functions exactly are not working for you on your V9 R-Link2? The solution discussed in this particular thread relates to audio not working in bluetooth phone calls. It...
I think you need to downgrade to the first version of v2.2.x.x and then upgrade again by going through all the versions leading up to v9 to retain the complete...
You need to install python (i used python 2.7 and installed it to the root of my c drive) and install the pyren-master folder as a subfolder of c:\python27 then...
You need to pipe it, as in, you use python to run pyren. You dont run python and then pyren. The launch string is something like the following example: C:\pyren27\pyren.exe...
You can use this string, just adapt the com port nr to the same com port you use for your elm327 device. "c:\Python27\python.exe /pyren-master/ -p COM6"