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Spigot & Bungeecord updater API
Spigot & Bungeecord updater API which uses spiget.org to check for new versions
Check for new versions
SpigetUpdate updater = new SpigetUpdate(this, 12345);
// This compares versions just by checking if they are equal
// This means that older versions will also be treated as updates
// This converts a semantic version to an integer and checks if the updated version is greater
updater.checkForUpdate(new UpdateCallback() {
public void updateAvailable(String newVersion, String downloadUrl, boolean hasDirectDownload) {
//// A new version is available
// newVersion - the latest version
// downloadUrl - URL to the download
// hasDirectDownload - whether the update is available for a direct download on spiget.org
public void upToDate() {
//// Plugin is up-to-date
Download updates (Bukkit/Spigot)
final SpigetUpdate updater = new SpigetUpdate(this, 12345);
updater.checkForUpdate(new UpdateCallback() {
public void updateAvailable(String newVersion, String downloadUrl, boolean hasDirectDownload) {
// First check if there is a direct download available
// (Either the resources is hosted on spigotmc.org, or Spiget has a cached version to download)
// external downloads won't work if they are disabled (by default) in spiget.properties
if (hasDirectDownload) {
if (updater.downloadUpdate()) {
// Update downloaded, will be loaded when the server restarts
} else {
// Update failed
getLogger().warning("Update download failed, reason is " + updater.getFailReason());
public void upToDate() {