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A reddit API library for Rust
A simple reddit API interface for Rust
Features Implemented:
- Comment streams from entire subreddits
- Comment tree traversing
- Oauth script authorization
- Oauth installed app authorization
- Self post submissions
- User info
- Comment data structure
- Listing data structure
- Comment submissions
- Automatic ratelimiting (steady and burst)
- Failure for error handling
Features Todo (nonexhaustive):
- All data structures, or maybe pure json. Consistency is the goal.
- More reddit api implementation
- More complete error handling
If you've ever made a pull request on github before, you probably know more about it than me. I would really appreciate any help on this project, so if you have an idea on how to improve it, please feel free to submit an issue or pull request.
Example: Recursively traversing a comment tree
fn print_tree(listing: Listing<Comment>, level: i32) {
for comment in listing {
for _ in 0..level {
println!("Comment by {}", comment.author);
print_tree(comment.replies, level + 1);
print_tree(tree, 0);
Example: Authorizing as OAuth Script type
let mut app = App::new("appnamehere", "v0.1.0", "/u/usernamehere/").unwrap();
app.authorize_script(id, secret, username, password).unwrap();
In order to send HTTPS requests, this library depends on openssl-sys, which requires openssl development libraries to be installed on your system to build the project. Instructions detailing this process can be found here
Generic Notice: This is an unstable project yadda yadda yadda use it if you dare thanks