Latte.jl copied to clipboard
Test suite failing
I followed the procedure mentioned in for setting up Latte. However, the last step to test if everything was installed properly julia> Pkg.test("Latte") is failing.
Below is the error message:
julia> Pkg.test("Latte") INFO: Testing Latte WARNING: Base.String is deprecated, use AbstractString instead. likely near /home/arghya/.julia/v0.4/ParallelAccelerator/src/parallel-ir-top-exprs.jl:433 WARNING: Base.String is deprecated, use AbstractString instead. likely near /home/arghya/.julia/v0.4/ParallelAccelerator/src/parallel-ir-top-exprs.jl:434 WARNING: New definition push!(DataStructures.Accumulator{#T<:Any, #V<:Number}, #T<:Any) at /home/arghya/.julia/v0.4/DataStructures/src/accumulator.jl:54 is ambiguous with: push!(Base.Associative, Base.Pair) at dict.jl:294. To fix, define push!(DataStructures.Accumulator{K<:Any, #V<:Number}, _<:Base.Pair) before the new definition. Testing Conv-Relu-Pool fusion INFO: 20-Jan 22:29:25 - Initializing net... INFO: 20-Jan 22:29:25 - Initializing ensembles. INFO: 20-Jan 22:29:25 - data size=(224,224,3) INFO: 20-Jan 22:29:25 - label size=(1,) INFO: 20-Jan 22:29:26 - conv1 size=(224,224,10) INFO: 20-Jan 22:29:27 - relu1 size=(224,224,10) INFO: 20-Jan 22:29:27 - pool1 size=(112,112,10) INFO: 20-Jan 22:29:27 - conv2_1 size=(112,112,10) INFO: 20-Jan 22:29:27 - relu2_1 size=(112,112,10) INFO: 20-Jan 22:29:27 - conv2_2 size=(112,112,10) INFO: 20-Jan 22:29:27 - relu2_2 size=(112,112,10) INFO: 20-Jan 22:29:27 - pool2 size=(56,56,10) INFO: 20-Jan 22:29:28 - Finished initializing ensembles. INFO: 20-Jan 22:29:28 - Synthesizing forward functions. ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: type NewvarNode has no field slot in from_expr_helper at /home/arghya/.julia/v0.4/CompilerTools/src/ast_walk.jl:458 while loading /home/arghya/.julia/v0.4/Latte/test/fusion.jl, in expression starting on line 86 while loading /home/arghya/.julia/v0.4/Latte/test/runtests.jl, in expression starting on line 29 ==============================================================================================[ ERROR: Latte ]==============================================================================================
failed process: Process(/usr/bin/julia --check-bounds=yes --code-coverage=none --color=yes /home/arghya/.julia/v0.4/Latte/test/runtests.jl
, ProcessExited(1)) [1]
============================================================================================================================================================================================================ ERROR: Latte had test errors in test at ./pkg/entry.jl:803 in anonymous at ./pkg/dir.jl:31 in cd at ./file.jl:22
Any help in this direction is appreciated.
Hi @akileshbadrinaaraayanan I believe development of this package has been discontinued (at least I'm not actively working on it). If you're interested in fixing this, it looks like an incompatibility with a depedency package (compilertools.jl). I'm guessing that upstream compilertools has moved on to Julia 0.5, so perhaps updating your Julia version might fix this, but again Latte.jl hasn't been maintained so there's a good chance that moving to 0.5 will break some Latte.jl internals.
Another option would be to rollback the compilertools.jl depedency to a previous version that is compatiable with Julia 0.4 and Latte.jl. I don't know when exactly these changes were introduced so you'd have to step through the compilertools history to find a commit that works (perhaps choosing a commit that occured around the date of the last commit to Latte.jl)
There is a Python port of Latte.jl that has been more actively developed, but I'm not aware of a release target.
Thanks for the prompt response. Will try the above-mentioned fix. Looking forward to the Python port.
Hi, I am unable to install Latte in my system. Can you tell me what exact version of "CompilerTools.jl " and "ParallelAccelerator.jl" and others latest commit uses? It will be really helpful, as will be starting research on this topic.
@rcodin The last commit to Latte.jl's master was on May 9th which passed the Travis build, so perhaps reverting to one of the commits around that time would work
Thanks @leonardt. I used CompilerTools.jl v0.1.5 and ParallelAccelerator.jl v0.1.7 in julia v0.4.0. I ran it on ubuntu 14.04 and used ubuntu packages for other dependencies than Julia packages without MPI. It passes the test.