tools copied to clipboard
google.protobuf.text_format.ParseError: 2:1 : ';': Expected identifier or number, got ;.
Was trying to run the below command and had this error
root@00000:/workspace/tensorflow# python tensorflow/python/tools/ \
> --input_graph /workspace/quantization/RL_S2S_1544356761_saved_model.pb \
> --output_graph /workspace/quantization/freezed_graph.pb \
> --input_binary False \
> --input_checkpoint /workspace/quantization/ \
> --output_node_names OUTPUT_NODE_NAMES
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tensorflow/python/tools/", line 491, in <module>
File "tensorflow/python/tools/", line 488, in run_main, argv=[sys.argv[0]] + unparsed)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/platform/", line 40, in run
_run(main=main, argv=argv, flags_parser=_parse_flags_tolerate_undef)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/absl/", line 300, in run
_run_main(main, args)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/absl/", line 251, in _run_main
File "tensorflow/python/tools/", line 487, in <lambda>
my_main = lambda unused_args: main(unused_args, flags)
File "tensorflow/python/tools/", line 381, in main
flags.saved_model_tags, checkpoint_version)
File "tensorflow/python/tools/", line 340, in freeze_graph
input_graph_def = _parse_input_graph_proto(input_graph, input_binary)
File "tensorflow/python/tools/", line 253, in _parse_input_graph_proto
text_format.Merge(, input_graph_def)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/google/protobuf/", line 574, in Merge
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/google/protobuf/", line 631, in MergeLines
return parser.MergeLines(lines, message)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/google/protobuf/", line 654, in MergeLines
self._ParseOrMerge(lines, message)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/google/protobuf/", line 676, in _ParseOrMerge
self._MergeField(tokenizer, message)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/google/protobuf/", line 744, in _MergeField
name = tokenizer.ConsumeIdentifierOrNumber()
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/google/protobuf/", line 1212, in ConsumeIdentifierOrNumber
raise self.ParseError('Expected identifier or number, got %s.' % result)
google.protobuf.text_format.ParseError: 2:1 : ';': Expected identifier or number, got ;.
How do i fix this ?
I also encountered this problem, did you solve it?
@wl4135 @pidugusundeep sorry for late response. could you pls share us the reproduce steps and related pb file? it's more like protobuf parse issue rather than quantization tool issue.