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Odoo Client Json Rpc
OdooJsonRpcClient is a C# library (.NET Standard) for communication with Odoo.
Use the package manager console, nuget package manager or check on NuGet.org
Install-Package PortaCapena.OdooJsonRpcClient
First steps
Start your work with check version of Odoo. To this request You need only a valid url address.
var config = new OdooConfig(
apiUrl: "https://odoo-api-url.com", // "http://localhost:8069"
dbName: "odoo-db-name",
userName: "admin",
password: "admin"
var odooClient = new OdooClient(config);
var versionResult = await odooClient.GetVersionAsync();
When U can connect to odoo, try use login method. (There is no need to use this method later. Logging is going on in the background e.g. OdooClient
, OdooRepository
var loginResult = await odooClient.LoginAsync();
If You have correct data to login, its time to get model that U intrested off.
var tableName = "product.product";
var modelResult = await odooClient.GetModelAsync(tableName);
var model = OdooModelMapper.GetDotNetModel(tableName, modelResult.Value);
Method GetModelAsync
returns model with odoo specification.
Method GetDotNetModel()
from class OdooModelMapper
returns string of class declaration that U can create and paste to Your project. Please don't use the models from the example project. Models are different depending on odoo version and added extensions.
public class OdooProductProduct : IOdooModel
public long Id { get; set; }
public string DisplayName { get; set; }
public double? Price { get; set; }
// product.template
public int ProductTmplId { get; set; }
public ActivityExceptionDecorationOdooEnum? ActivityExceptionDecoration { get; set; }
public enum ActivityExceptionDecorationOdooEnum
[EnumMember(Value = "warning")]
Alert = 1,
[EnumMember(Value = "danger")]
Error = 2,
var repository = new OdooRepository<ProductProductOdooModel>(config);
var products = await repository.Query().ToListAsync();
In Repository U can use OdooQueryBuilder
to create queries.
var products = await repository.Query()
.Where(x => x.Name, OdooOperator.EqualsTo, "test product name")
.Where(x => x.WriteDate, OdooOperator.GreaterThanOrEqualTo, new DateTime(2020, 12, 2))
.Select(x => new
.OrderByDescending(x => x.Id)
var model = OdooDictionaryModel.Create(() => new ProductProductOdooModel()
Name = "test product name"
var result = await repository.CreateAsync(model);
U can update only this fields that U are intrested in. For updating many records use UpdateRangeAsync
var model = OdooDictionaryModel.Create(() => new ProductProductOdooModel()
Name = "test product name updated"
var result = await repository.UpdateAsync(model, productId);
var deleteProductResult = await repository.DeleteAsync(productId);
OdooRepository is a wrapper for OdooClient. This class give option for building more advanced requests or not implemented in this library.
If we create an object instance that we want to pass to odoo but do not fill all fields, they will be automatically assigned default values (Create and update methods). In this case is impossible to distinguish whether we want to set null value or not touch this property. The first solution for that is create models based on odoo model with only fields that we want to use. To that use IOdooCreateModel
interface. To not create multiple models use OdooDictionaryModel
public class OdooCreateProduct : IOdooCreateModel
public string Name { get; set; }
var model = new OdooCreateProduct()
Name = "Prod test Kg",
var createResult = await repository.CreateAsync(model);
This class is second solution for the problem of passing models with default or null values to odoo.
var model = OdooDictionaryModel.Create(() => new ProductProductOdooModel()
Name = "test name",
Description = "test description",
model.Add(x => x.WriteDate, new DateTime());
var createResult = await odooRepository.CreateAsync(model);
var model2 = new OdooDictionaryModel("res.partner") {
{ "name", "test name" },
{ "country_id", 20 },
{ "city", "test city" },
{ "zip", "12345" },
{ "street", "test address" },
{ "company_type", "company" },
var odooClient = new OdooClient(TestConfig);
var createResult = await odooClient.CreateAsync(model2);
Context is mainly used to send to odoo values such as language or time zone, but U can use it for more advanced requests. U can set it in OdooConfig
for multiple usage or only once adding it to request as parameter (also in repository query).
var context = new OdooContext("pl_PL");
context.Language = "nl_BE";
var id = await odooRepository.CreateAsync(model, context);
Advanced queries
To make Your queries faster use Select
method and get only fields that U are interested of. If U reduced the amount of field in your models use SelectSimplifiedModel()
For more advanced queries U can use OdooFilter
or OdooFilterOfT. To use or
var filter = OdooFilter<ResCompanyOdooModel>.Create()
.EqualTo(x => x.Name, "My Company (San Francisco)")
.EqualTo(x => x.Name, "PL Company");
var filter = OdooFilter.Create()
.EqualTo("name", "My Company (San Francisco)")
.EqualTo("name", "PL Company");
var products = await repository.Query()
Deep where
Get ProductProductOdooModel where CountryCode is "BE" in ResCompanyOdooModel (CompanyId)
var repository = new OdooRepository<ProductProductOdooModel>(config);
var products = await repository.Query()
x => x.CompanyId,
y => y.CountryCode, OdooOperator.EqualsTo, "BE")
var products = await repository.Query()
.Where<ResCompanyOdooModel, AccountTaxOdooModel>(
x => x.PropertyAccountExpenseId,
y => y.AccountSaleTaxId,
z => z.CountryCode, OdooOperator.EqualsTo, "BE")
Odoo Request and Result models examples
"Bioboxen 610l"
"2020-12-02 00:00:00"
"name":"Bioboxen 610l",
"write_date":"2020-12-02 08:47:08"
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.