automatic-twitch-recorder icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
automatic-twitch-recorder copied to clipboard

Checks if a user on twitch is currently streaming and then records the stream via streamlink

Results 22 automatic-twitch-recorder issues
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user_name = Streamer's display name, user_login = Streamer's Twitch ID Twitch has two types of name. In general, English countries use their ID directly as channel name but the other...

Follow this ref: [#streamlink/streamlink/issues/3501#issuecomment-1115293901]( I think it's a simple way.

Make streamer list persistent. Whenever I restart the script I have to reenter twitch streams and desired quality.

I was wondering if it was possible for the to accept command arguments like start so I could have a batch file which invokes it and starts looking for...

![1]( ![22](

Title says it all, if the streamer's username is in a different language the script does not run. How to fix?

Hello, Not an issue but maybe an improvement, is there a way to adapt script to record stream ? Seems dlive is supported by streamlink: Thanks.

help, please version

Bumps [urllib3]( from 1.26.2 to 1.26.5. Release notes Sourced from urllib3's releases. 1.26.5 :warning: IMPORTANT: urllib3 v2.0 will drop support for Python 2: Read more in the v2.0 Roadmap Fixed...


After the streamer finishes streaming this error executes. And he is stuck at "Live". Not sure if it can continue to wait and then start streaming again if the streamer...