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Questionnaire composition - references materialization
This the follow-up to the UI part of questionnaire composition (see https://github.com/InseeFr/Pogues/issues/561).
Once the UI allows to compose questionnaires, we need to implement its materialization, ie dereference the links in order to produce a complete Pogues model and / or DDI model that will feed the generator.
Questionnaire composition validation
https://github.com/InseeFr/Pogues/issues/561 https://github.com/InseeFr/Pogues/issues/597
Simple questionnaire
Filtre + VTL
First iteration
- questionnaire created with one sequence and one question (as simple as it gets)
- ref to the catalog questionnaire added
- questionnaire saved
- generation
- web V1: :ok:
- web V2: :ok:
- interviewer: :ok:
- PDF: :ok:
- Spec: :ok:
- DDI: -
- update catalog questionnaire, refresh the host questionnaire, gen: :ok:
Second iteration
- filter questionnaire created
- ref added to host questionnaire
- generation
- web V1: (impossible, VTL)
- web V2: :ok:
- interviewer: :ok:
- PDF: :ok:
- Spec: :ok:
- DDI: -
3rd iteration
- adding a filter to a ref
- UI: :ok:
- gen: can generate but no filter implemented
- and that's ok for now, maybe in future spec if needed
Large / complex questionnaire
First iteration
- create a new host questionnaire
- add a reference to ENL questionnaire
- generate
- web V2 : generation is done but no reference questionnaire is visible :bug:
- bug identified, to be corrected
- web V2 : generation is done but no reference questionnaire is visible :bug:
- generate a second time:
- web V2 : :ok:
- interviewer : :ok:
- PDF: :ok:
- Spec: :ok:
- DDI: -
Variables and controls
Acces to ref questionnaire variables
The variables are available for autocompletion in the VTL prompt
- collected vars: :ok:
- computed vars: :ok:
- external vars: :ok:
- use of vars
- labels: :ok:
- controls: :ok:
- filters: :ok:
Fringe use cases
Ref has not the same param than host
no consistency check a priori
if no filter or goto implemented, no error when generating
no error mixing filter and got in host and ref ?
Filter VTL host / Filter XPath ref
- adding is possible
- generate
- ONCE AGAIN NO REF IS ADDED, see previous bug mention
- generate once again:
- web V2: :ok:
- no consistency check regarding to language choice (might not be useful)
- interviewer: :ok:
- PDF: :ok:
- Spec: :ok:
- DDI: -
- web V2: :ok:
Filter VTL host / Goto VTL ref
adding is possible
- web V2: :ok:
- for Eno is producing the same DDI construct wether we choose filter or goto in Pogues
Mix collect mode
- Host questionnaire is CATI CAPI
- Ref is all modes
- No error / warning message when we should have one ❌
- When a child object has more modes than the questionnaire in a standard questionnaire, we have this warning
- we expect the same thing here
🐛 Bugs ?
- previously mentionned missing reference questionnaire after generation
- after adding a reference, a blank page and this in the console (happened only one time)