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Object ID as GUID
Currently, objects ID are unique hashes based on a timestamp. Though it is enough for the identification of questionnaires inside Pogues, it is not compliant with the DDI standard, whereas GUID are.
This could be an easy implementation (seen here):
function uuidv4() {
return ([1e7]+-1e3+-4e3+-8e3+-1e11).replace(/[018]/g, c =>
(c ^ crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] & 15 >> c / 4).toString(16)
To do:
- [x] implemented the JS part and check that it doesn't break anything
- [x] test that the GUIDs are Colectica compliant
- [ ] list every non GUID identifiers (ex: Sequence-<identifier)>)
- [ ] change that to true GUID
🐛 When first creating a questionnaire, the redirect is to a wrong URL (something like http://qfrmspogfolht01.ad.insee.intra/questionnaire/undefined)
But the questionnaire is in fact created and reachable after this first bug (with a round trip to the home page and back).
Another problem: we want to generate GUID in part for globally identifying the object and to reuse them - at Insee via our own metadata repository.
Problem is - may be ? - we add prefix to the ID of some element. For example, a Sequence using the GUID algo will be IDed as:
Another and more complex example is the parameters handling:
<r:String xml:lang="fr-FR">SUPAHDUPAH</r:String>
<r:OutParameter isArray="false">
<r:String xml:lang="fr-FR">SUPAHDUPAH</r:String>
Do we need that when using Eno twice, we have : Pogues2ddi( ddi2Pogues(ddiFile) ) = ddiFile ? If so, we will have a problem, because : 9006bff0-2637-4863-adfd-cfa27f79143c-RDOP-69cac9eb-f661-4364-91b5-f1efc9da0235 and 9006bff0-2637-4863-adfd-cfa27f79143c-QOP-69cac9eb-f661-4364-91b5-f1efc9da0235 Are generated from the same pogues's element. In ddi2pogues, the id with -RDOP- is just not used (DDI is richer than Pogues)
On the same way, do we want ddi2lunatic(ddiFile) to be everywhen the same ? In Lunatic, statements have ids (so all different). In DDI, they are mutualized (the same id may be used for several statements)
A solution would be to create a composite uuid. I don't know how. Even if there is no automatic way, we could add 1 to the uuid to create the -RDOP- one. We could add uuids (at least a part of them) in the second case. (perhaps available only with Eno V3)