So far, the content worth purloining be held in the "Implementation Policy: Bridges and Mixins" section, that may be acceptable as a new SpongeDocs page. ⚓️ Avast there, cap'n @gabizou...
Bump Bump. @ImMorpheus can you resolve the last few bits? I'd love to merge this.
I can probably start drafting that into something that looks more like our regular style, unless anyone else wants to volunteer. But so far (at a glance) it seems to...
OK, Now I get that this section would primarily be aimed toward contributing to sponge, and not exposing it as an API. So this belongs under `contributing/implementation`.
It may seem odd, but SpongeDocs is effectively a *textbook* and the code examples are treated as such. They should be able to be re-used without license implications, under some...
Something like "As SpongeDocs is an educational resource, we interpret Fair Use of the code examples in SpongeDocs to include their use in Sponge plugins of any kind, without license...
Actually, if you slap the MIT license on everything, Fair Use might have to go out the window anyway. I'm not sure which trumps which; *Fair Use* is a looser...
If you end up as the sole contributor to the code examples, then you should be free to add whatever caveats you wish to your licensing, including a statement _defining_...
_Some_ of it has been implemented, and some is still WIP. If you want to volunteer and help document the bits that are currently working, we would be delighted. _I'm...
There is a clean-up/refactoring/implementation of some inventory stuff going on at present by @Faithcaio and others. That may eventually lead to some actual documentation... but HELP is still wanted.