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Getting Warning related to SRTP
I am getting this warning repeatedly "res_srtp.c:508 ast_srtp_protect: SRTP protect: replay check failed (index too old)" when this warning appears, the video stops working.
I have raised this issue before, but as you can see in the thread it wasn’t resolved. Asterisk development and Chrome development don’t always align-especially with WebRTC matters.
So, will it run on other browsers like edge or Firefox, without getting this warning?
Firefox maybe, but Edge is actually just Chrome (re-skinned).
What would be best is for Asterisk and Browsers to be able to correctly handle this protocol/feature. Or for this protocol/feature to be able to be disabled in Asterisk.
The “protocol/feature” is that a lost RTP packet can be given a buffer to be resent if it was dropped. It appears asterisk added support for this, but no way to disable it.
From what I found: The error you are seeing is the result of Asterisk expecting to be resent a packet it has re-asked for. (Hence the “index too old” message).
I was not able to solve this issue any further, and It doesn’t happen with audio calls. My end-user development focus has moved to more peer-to-peer approach that is not subject to this problem.