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Video call(Temporarily unavailable)
User A made a video call to User B. After User B attended the call the user A's screen shows You tried to make a video call(Temporarily unavailable).
If the server responded with a Temporarily unavailable message, there would have been a SIP response. Can you send the SIP trace.
Also, can you confirm that normal audio calls are able to transfer & blind transfer etc
Blind Transfer is working in an audio call.
== Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:1/0/0) -- Executing [s@dial-extension:4] Hangup("SIP/vinod-0000006f", "") in new stack
Are you sure the dial-plan is correct.
[dial-extension] exten => s,1,NoOp(Calling: ${ARG1}) exten => s,n,MixMonitor(voice-${CALLERID(num)}-${ARG1}-${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%d%m%Y-%H:%M:%S)}.wav) exten => s,n,Dial(SIP/${ARG1},30) exten => s,n,Hangup() exten => e,1,Hangup()
If i am to understand this correctly: vinod calls sruthi, then sruthi transfers to vinod, but the calls ends there... as vinod is busy, right?
vinod makes a video call to sruthi. sruthi attends the call. The call gets disconnected for vinod where as sruthi is on call. You tried to made a video call(Temporarily unavailable) is the message displayed on vinod's UI.
What do you mean by "sruthi attends the call"? Is that "starts an attended transfer"? if so, there are a few steps in an attended transfer. A blind transfer on the other hand is more simple, but has more of a chance of resulting in a dropped call.
I mean Sruthi answers the video call.
you somehow don't have call answer buttons in the UI.
Are you sure you don't have "Do Not Disturb" on.
Do not Disturb is off.
After pressing Answer Call with video, the following screen appears:
Are there any errors in the Browser Console Log? It seems that as soon as the cal is answered by the browser, it drops the call - something must be showing there.
I'm trying from two browsers in the same PC.
I'm trying from two browsers in the same PC. This is not a problem, as you saw in the screen shot - I test like this all the time.
It could be a problem with the SSL - I see you are not over https. It could be failing to get hardware like camera, microphone etc.
SSL issue is resolved. Still the same problem exists.
Please send the Browser Console Log, the accepting call code is failing.
consoleLog1.txt Browser Console log of vinod. In Sruthi's browser, there is no log.
This log show normal calling from sruthi(Chrome) to vinod(Firefox), but it shows INVITE Rejected: Temporarily unavailable phone.js:2257:13
when vinod(Firefox) calls sruthi(Chrome).
I assume if you switch the accounts around, the error changes too?
In other words, Chrome is unable to answer a call, but appears able to setup a call. You need to get to the console log. In Chrome, right click, select Inspect, and then tab to Console. (It's there, im sure of it.)
sip-0.20.0.min.js:2 Tue Jan 11 2022 17:15:42 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) | sip.SessionDescriptionHandler | SessionDescriptionHandler.setDescription failed - NotReadableError: Could not start video source
It is having an issue with the video source - the webcam try this in Chrome
It is working
So there are a few possible reason why the webcam may work, but the sip session may not.
It could be the way the camera is captured or constraints that are applied. Make sure that you have cleared (or set as default) any thing like resolution, video size etc. (This would be set in the audio & video settings under the Account Settings).
What is very strange in all this, is that the issue doesn't present when making a call out - something that uses all the same code.
This leads me to think there is something in the offer that Chrome doesn't like. You will need to capture the INVITE as the call comes into Chrome from Firefox. (In Chrome Dev Tools, Go to the Network Tab, find the /ws/ pending path, click it, and on the right, select Messages. Scroll there until you find the actual INVITE message.