the-photo-gallery icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
the-photo-gallery copied to clipboard

A simple, featureless (By design) full-width photo gallery.

The Photo Gallery

A simple, featureless (By design) full-width photo gallery.

Updates in v0.0.4

  • Allow the regen api to regenerate specific directories
    • You can POST or GET (Or just load) the regen api url and have the server immediately regenerate.

Updates in v0.0.3

  • Imagor support
    • Allows us to support all file types (HEIC... etc)
    • Better control over the generated file types
  • Support for image blur disabling
    • If you have thousands of photos, blurs can be expensive and not really necessary if you have a fast connection to the server
  • Directory support (beta)
    • You can now nest your photos in directories
    • Just navigate to /mydir and the server will statically generate the photos within /photos/mydir
    • It's worth noting that the changing of images and having them dynamically update is not currently built-in


  • Full width photo display
  • Lightbox built-in
  • Directory Support
  • Automatic image optimization courtesy of NextJS and team
  • Generation of loading blurs
  • Statically generated, the server just serves regular HTML + JS, once deployed to production, it's quick
  • Automatic dynamic regeneration should you edit/remove/add photos
  • Can handle hundreds (And thousands?) of images at a time
  • Lazy loading as you scroll
  • Full screen toggle
  • Imagor integration
    • Allows us to support almost all image file types! (HEIC... etc)
    • Allows us to support thousands of images as, while using the imagor processor, we don't generate blurs and other potentially heavy attributes, whilst generating thumbnails at runtime
    • See here for how to get started
  • Image sorting
    • Numerical file names (1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg...)
    • Created time
    • Regular file names (a.jpg, b.jpg...) (2022-10-09.jpg, 2022-10-10.jpg...)
    • Reverse of any of the above!



These are my midjourney creations, this website was built for my wedding and as such, real photos look a lot better!



I've honestly not been able to find a simple plug and play photo sharing website for sharing the wedding photos.

My goals were:

  • Mount a directory with photos in it (So that the wife can manage and delete the photos she doesn't want)
  • Reduce bandwidth costs of sharing photos
  • Allow images to be enlarged
  • Take up the full screen width
  • Static HTML - why should my server be hammered every render?

I already host a ton of stuff using Caddy so wanted a simple container to route traffic to.

Getting Started


version: "2.4"
    container_name: thephotogallery
    image: inlustra/the-photo-gallery:0.0.4
      - 3000:3000
      - {YOUR_PHOTOS_DIRECTORY}:/app/public/photos:ro
      - {A_STORAGE_LOCATION}:/app/storage
      PAGE_TITLE: 'The Photo Gallery'
      PAGE_HEADER_TEXT: 'Inlustra'
      PHOTO_SORT: numerical_file_name
    restart: unless-stopped


The photo gallery is configured entirely with environment variables:

Environment Variable Description Options (default)
PAGE_HEADER_TEXT Text at the top of the screen string
PAGE_SHOW_FULLSCREEN_BUTTON Whether or not the page should have the fullscreen button boolean
PAGE_TITLE Title that appears in the tab in your browser string
PHOTO_DEFAULT_REVERSE Whether the photos should be by default reversed on the page boolean
PHOTO_SORT Sort order for images numerical_file_name, file_name, modified_at, image_taken_date
IMAGOR_CLIENT_BASE_URL The Imagor base url for the client to fetch images, e.g for docker with exposed port: http://localhost:8000/ _
IMAGOR_IMAGE_FILTERS Any extra image filters to be requested by imagor, must start with: ':', example: ':hue(290):saturation(100)' string
IMAGOR_IMAGE_FORMAT Image format to be requested by Imagor, defaults to webp jpeg, png, gif, webp, tiff, avif
IMAGOR_SECRET Set this if you have set the IMAGOR_SECRET environment variable within imagor _
IMAGOR_SERVER_BASE_URL The Imagor base url for the container to fetch metadata, e.g for docker: http://imagor:8000/ *
NODE_DISABLE_BLUR_GENERATION Disable the blur generation, will significantly speed up build. Not recommended but required for *very* large directories. boolean
NODE_USE_EMBEDDED_THUMBNAILS During generation, if the photo has an embedded thumbnail, this can be used instead a blur boolean

A couple of extra notes:


    • image_taken_date: (DEFAULT) Will sort by the date since the photos were taken, this uses EXIF data from the photo (Worth noting that not all images will have this data available)
    • file_name: Sorts based on file name [a.jpg, b.jpg.... z.jpg]
    • numerical_file_name: Sorts based on file name using numbers [1.jpg, 2.jpg... 99.jpg], this is particularly useful when your file names are not in a set string format [01.jpg, 02.jpg, 99.jpg]
    • modified_at: Sort based on the last modification date of the photo
  • PHOTO_USE_EMBEDDED_THUMBNAILS: This will use the embedded thumbnails instead of generating a blur. Defaults to false, this is not really recomended but might be useful for a smaller amount of larger images. (775 full pictures with this environment variable set to true caused the initial page download to go from 225kb to 15MB)


As of v0.0.3, we now support Imagor!

Imagor is a self hosted service that we can use to generate images ourselves.


  • Support all file types
  • Uses a much better (Read sturdy) implementation to get metadata and exif data about images


  • Thumbnails will be hosted by yourself instead of using the next services
  • More setup
  • With control over the thumbnails, if you do intend on storing thousands of these, you'll need to rotate/delete images
    • This is a non-issue for small photo libraries
    • If the size of images within a directory is > threshold MB then delete the oldest within that directory
      • Would love to know if anyone knows of any tool that could solve this? (Logrotate or something?)

Getting Started with Imagor


version: "2.4"
    container_name: thephotogallery
    image: inlustra/the-photo-gallery:0.0.4
      - 2070:3000
      # - ${BASE_DIR}/favicon.ico:/app/public/favicon.ico:ro # Use this to replace the favicon
      - ${BASE_DIR}/public/photos:/app/public/photos:ro
      - ${BASE_DIR}/storage/cache:/app/storage
      PAGE_TITLE: "The Photo Gallery"
      PAGE_HEADER_TEXT: "Inlustra"
      IMAGOR_SERVER_BASE_URL: "http://imagor:8000" # Uses Imagor internal docker port
      IMAGOR_CLIENT_BASE_URL: "http://localhost:4567" # Uses Imagor external docker port
      - imagor
    restart: unless-stopped

    image: shumc/imagor:latest
      - ${BASE_DIR}/public/photos:/mnt/public/photos
      - ${BASE_DIR}/storage/imagor:/mnt/result
      PORT: 8000
      IMAGOR_UNSAFE: 1 # unsafe URL for testing

      # Keep the next 2 the same to ensure that we don't store duplicates of the images within Imagor
      FILE_LOADER_BASE_DIR: /mnt/public # enable file loader by specifying base dir
      FILE_STORAGE_BASE_DIR: /mnt/public # enable file storage by specifying base dir


      FILE_RESULT_STORAGE_BASE_DIR: /mnt/result # This is the cache storage folder
      - "4567:8000"