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Tools & Resources for Cyber Security Operations
Tools & Resources for Cyber Security Operations
A curated list of many tools and resources for both offensive and defensive security teams.
Please visit for our website version of this repo. Found a resources that should be on here? Feel free to submit a pull request!
Defensive Security
Sub-Category | Description |
Asset Management | Keep track of your inventory. You can't protect what you don't see. |
Auditing | Stay in compliance. |
Courses | Training and courses to master your craft. Some of the below courses do offer professional certifications as add-ons to course purchase. |
Endpoint Protection | Protect your endpoints. |
Forensics | Uncover the dirty little secrets of a recovered HDD, Image, malware, and more. |
Honeypots | Catch them with their hands/attacks sticky. |
IDS/IPS | Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems. |
Incident Response | Incident response tools, and resources when alarms pop off. |
IOC | Indicators of compromise. Discover if you've been compromised. |
Malware | All the malware you can wish for to reverse engineer. |
Monitoring | Monitor your network, e-mail, packets, and infrastructure. |
Operating Systems | Operating system's solely focused for defensive security teams. |
Phishing | Tools and resources for analyzing phishing attacks. |
Threat Intel | Discover where the threats begin. |
Offensive Security
Sub-Category | Description |
API | Tools and resources for pentesting against API endpoints. |
Blogs | Reading material for offensive security researchers. |
Bug Bounty | Test out your skills against other hackers. Get paid for finding vulnerabilities. |
Command & Control | Command and Control tools and frameworks. |
Cheat Sheets | Offensive security cheat sheets. |
Cloud | Discover tools and resources dedicated to hacking cloud platforms. |
Collaboration | Discover tools and frameworks for red team collaboration. |
Courses | Training and courses to master your craft. Some of the below courses do offer professional certifications as add-ons to course purchase. |
Cracking | Everything you need to crack all the hashes. |
CTF Offensive | Compete your hacking skills against others. |
Data Exfiltration | Exfiltrate the data, and test your DLP. |
Evasion | Evade getting caught. |
Exploits | Gather all your exploits needed to pop that box. |
Firewalls | Attack the castle doors. |
Hardware | Grab some of the most used hardware within the penetration testing industry. |
Linux | Tools and resources for popping those linux boxes. |
Mobile | Tools and resources for pentesting on mobile applications. |
Network | Sniff the network. Modify the packets. |
Operating Systems | Operating system's solely focused for offensive security teams. |
Reconnaissance | Understand your target. Perform in-depth research and discover new attack surfaces. |
Shells | Generating pre-built webshells to customizing your own. |
Social Engineering | Manipulation techniques that exploits human error to gain private information, access, or valuables. |
Vulnerability Scanners | Discover vulnerabilities fast, and automate some of the heavy loads. |
Web Application | Break that web application. |
Windows | Mirosoft Windows pentesting tools and resources. |
Wireless | Discover tools and resources for exploiting Wi-Fi, bluetooth, RFID, and more. |
Operation Security
Sub-Category | Description |
Anonymity | The quality or state of being anonymous. Seek out technologies and methods of remaining anonymous in the day and age of mass surveillance. |
Anti-Forensics | Destroy your data. |
Burners | Everything for your temporary needs. |
Communication | Protect your SMS messages, voice calls, and e-mails. Big brother is always watching. |
Operating Systems | Hardening your operating system. |
Passwords & Authentication | Secure your passwords, secrets, and notes. |
Search Engines | Hardening your operating system. |
Purple Security
Sub-Category | Description |
Courses | Training and courses to master your craft. |
Editors & Viewers | Tools for editing/viewing files. |
Emulation | Emulate the adversary. |
Network | Network tools both offensive and defensive operations can utilize. |
OSINT | Open-Source Intel. Get all the information needed for your target. |
Passwords | 1,000+ default passwords. |
Reverse Engineering | Reverse engineering tools both offensive and defensive operations can utilize. |
Write-Ups | Write-ups both offensive and defensive operataions can utilize. |
Sub-Category | Description |
Music | Kick back relax and enjoy some entertainment. |
Video | Talks, livestreams, and presentations. |
Livestream Contributors
Shoutout to the following amazing individuals for suggesting and adding resources during our livestream.
Anonymous, 0xgnnr, 0xrom,, CyberLola, DevNullZen, EightBitOni, GoProSlowYo, JR0ch17, projectdp, PaWNmUnCher, RySkill, Vander_Grift, chadb_n00b, footpics4sale, goldyautomation, halfamomo, p4r4n0ir, skyfire100, theGwar, and zuphzuph.