Paul Yang
Paul Yang
> 国密实现各自有一套独立的 x509 定义,互不兼容… 铜锁在获取软件密码模块安全一级资质的过程中,在国密局商用密码检测中心的检测项里是有TLCP客户端和TLCP服务器端的兼容性测试,通过后才给予资质的发放,所以铜锁和测试标准是兼容的
The version 8.3.1 you have used is correct an it sees the building process was successful as well. The problem is that the functions you want to use are *internal...
Note: if you don't want to follow the *normal sttyle* (using EVP interface), you can always do some modification to your application and Tongsuo library to break the internal fence...
From my understandings, without considering the compatibility with other SM4-XTS implementations (say, GmSSL for instance), OpenSSL doesn't need to support IEEE version of SM4 XTS at all, since the only...
You may also add `[skip ci]` in the commit message to skip the CI since this contains doc changes only. @nsp4746
The whole progress has moved to AUTH48-DONE and I have already approved this draft for a final publication as an RFC to IETF RFC editor. The XML files in the...