Paul Yang
Paul Yang
> ubuntu-latest (当前为 ubuntu-20.04) 的 glibc 版本是 2.31 比 redhat-8 / debian-10 / kylin-v10 都要高, 在 ubuntu-latest 上编译出的二进制包,在 redhat-8 / debian-10 / kylin-v10 上应该都不能用吧 所以直接出二进制主要是测试目的,无法面面俱到。真正生产环境的二进制发布,是需要对应到具体发行版的包管理体系中去
@wa5i 你需要aprrove,不然现在处于是requested changes状态
If the word 'SSL protocol' here stands for the Chinese "GM/T 0024" standards (which defines a dual certificate modified TLS 1.1 protocol), then we don't have a plan to support...
Actually I recall that we have discussed this a bit on last October's committers' meeting in Germany. But considering the complexity GM/T 0024 brings to the TLSv1.1 protocol and the...
> I'm kind of expecting some protocol discussions to happen after 3.0 stabilises. Agree. But one forecast: the GM/T 0024 is very ambiguous to implement, we really need to take...
Ha, then I think you found the right person to talk to ;-). I could probably do what you proposed at a right time.
But I definitely need a remainder of this - I think I will dive into this months later when the time comes...
> 还有就是,Tengine是否有参数控制,国密单证也能通过双向认证?是否合规? TLCP不允许单证书形式,如果你是需要在实现TLCP的过程中,还兼容客户端只有一个证书的情况,那原则上是不合规的