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Android Demo App for Infineon's Blockchain Security 2Go Starter Kit
Coinfinity Blockchain Security 2Go Example App
This project contains an Android app showcasing interaction with Ethereum using the Infineon Blockchain Security 2Go starter kit contactless cards.
Currently three main features are available to demonstrate signing of Ethereum transactions using the Infineon Blockchain Security 2Go starter kit cards:
- Sending and receiving ETH
- Sending and receiving ERC-20 tokens
- Interacting with an example smart contract (voting demo) deployed on the Ethereum blockchain.
If you want to have more information on Infineon's Blockchain Security 2Go starter kit visit the official Website and the BlockchainSecurity 2Go github repository. On this repository there is also a high-level user guide for the Coinfinity Blockchain Security 2Go Example App.
How it works
The app is communicating with the card via NFC to generate new private/public keys, read the public keys and sign transactions. To interact with the Ethereum blockchain, the Web3j library is used to build transactions. Brodacasting of transactions to the Ethereum network is done via the API. The conversion of ETH balance to EUR is done via Coinfinity rate API and displayed inside the app.
To be able to use the QR code scanning and displaying functionality the app expects the
QR code scanner to be installed (Play Store)
Getting Started
- Import the project into Intellij or Android Studio, use project type "Gradle"
- Try to build it
- Make sure to install Zxing barcode scanner plus app on device to be able to scan QR codes
- Add an android run/debug configuration in Intellij/Android Studio
- Run/debug app via Intellij/Android Studio
Android Device Requirements
Do not use an Android emulator for testing purposes because NFC is required to interact with Infineon Card.
- minSdkVersion 24
- targetSdkVersion 27
- NFC enabled device
- internet connection
- camera for QR code scanning
Smart Contract
The example smart contract is located in a separate folder outside the app project called
"Smart Contract". It contains Solidity code for the contract and a truffle suite for testing.
Voting.sol contains the main code of the contract
and imports other common ".sol" files. See the Solidity language documentation
on further information on how to write Smart Contracts in Solidity.
voting.js is the main truffle test file written in JavaScript to quickly test the contract without deploying it on mainnet or testnet. See the truffle documentation on further information on how to write tests for Solidity contracts.