
Results 18 issues of kylin

Currently, the known Python HTML GUI libraries are not satisfied with anything like Electron, and I am very surprised to see such a day.

1. Can support repetitive tasks 2. Hope to support scheduler cron syntax

### Describe the bug pro-select 在搜索阶段样式变形 ### Related version @element-plus/icons-vue: "^2.3.1" element-plu": "^2.5.6" element-pro-components: "^1.2.12" vue: "^3.4.15" vite: "^5.0.11" ### Link to minimal reproduction _No response_ ### Steps to Reproduce...

{emqx_extension_hook, {bad_return, {{emqx_extension_hook_app,start,[normal,[]]}, {'EXIT', {{badmatch, {error, {{shutdown, {failed_to_start_child,worker_sup, {shutdown, {failed_to_start_child, {worker,1}, enoent}}}}, {child,undefined,python3, {ecpool,start_pool, [python3,emqx_extension_hook_driver, [{name,python3}, {python_path,"data/extension/"}, {call_timeout,5000}, {pool_size,1}]]}, permanent,5000,supervisor, [ecpool_pool_sup]}}}}, [{emqx_extension_hook_driver,load,2, [{file, "d:/a/emqx-rel/emqx-rel/_build/emqx/lib/emqx_extension_hook/src/emqx_extension_hook_driver.erl"}, {line,98}]}, {emqx_extension_hook,enable,2, [{file, "d:/a/emqx-rel/emqx-rel/_build/emqx/lib/emqx_extension_hook/src/emqx_extension_hook.erl"}, {line,49}]}, {emqx_extension_hook_app,load_all_drivers,1,...

一直习惯使用 idea, 目前 vue vine 插件只支持 vscode

feature request

How to use document in Vue3? I need to embed it

wenv 0.5.1 wine 8 ``` !! check.warn(importable) Z:\home\V01\extittivns03\.pyenv\versions\3.10.10\share\wenv\win32\drive_c\python-3.10.0.stable\lib\site-packages\setuptools\command\ SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning: Installing ' ta.xml' as data is deprecated, please list it in `packages`. !! ############################ # Package would be ignored # ############################...


Here is the code ```python import os import shlex import signal import subprocess import time import psutil import requests from rq import get_current_job def kill(proc_pid: int): """ends all child...