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A collection of samples to demonstrate InRule features
InRule Technology
Here you will find a collection of samples to demonstrate some InRule features. If you'd like to Contribute, please follow our guidelines
- Authoring Samples contains some sample Rule Applications for rule authors.
- Developer Samples contains a collection of samples which illustrate the use of irSDK®, the InRule Software Development Kit.
These are samples only; please refer to the InRule documentation for full information.
If you would like to contribute to the samples library, you may fork this repository and make your changes in the fork. To submit your changes for consideration, create a pull request for your fork.
If you would like to request additional samples from InRule Technology, please write an issue on this repository or please visit our Help Center (login required) for more information or to request additional samples or examples.
Topic | Start here | Look here |
Add an existing entity to a collection | Developer Samples | AddCollectionMembers CreateEntityFromXml |
Authoring Tutorial | Authoring Samples | irAuthor Beginner Tutorial |
Auto Rule Sets | Authoring Samples | Iteration |
Build irJS Compiled Rule App from irDistribution Service using Command Line | Developer Samples | CommandLineTools\BuildIrJsRuleApp |
Business Language rules | Authoring Samples | Chicago Food Tax Generator |
Cache depth | Developer Samples | RuleApplicationCache |
CacheRetention.AlwaysRetain | Developer Samples | RuleApplicationCache |
CacheRetention.FromWeight | Developer Samples | RuleApplicationCache |
CacheRetention.NeverRetain | Developer Samples | RuleApplicationCache |
Call irServer Rule Execution Service from C# | Developer Samples | RESTImplementation |
Call irServer Rule Execution Service from JavaScript | Developer Samples | RuleEngineFromJavaScriptFileSystemJson RuleEngineFromJavascriptJson RuleEngineFromJavascriptXml |
Call irServer Rule Execution Service prior to InRule 5.0 | Developer Samples | RuleServices45 |
Call a web service | Developer Samples | WebServiceCall |
Create a rule application in code | Developer Samples | CreateRuleSession-InMemory RulesInCode |
Create a rule session from a catalog rule application | Developer Samples | CreateRuleSession-Catalog |
Create a rule session from a rule application file | Developer Samples | AddCollectionMembers CreateEntityFromXml CreateRuleSession-FileSystem DynamicValueAccess GetChangedValues GetEntityXml launchIrVerify UseDictionaryAsState UseExpandoObjectAsState |
Create a rule session from an in-memory rule application | Developer Samples | CreateRuleSession-InMemory RulesInCode |
Create an unbound entity using XML | Developer Samples | CreateEntityFromXml |
Custom cache policy | Developer Samples | RuleApplicationCache |
Embed authoring controls in a WPF application | Developer Samples | EmbedAuthoringControl |
Embed authoring controls in a WinForms application | Developer Samples | EmbeddedWinFormInRule |
Enable LibraryLogger in WebServices | Developer Samples | LibraryLogEnabler |
Entity XML | Developer Samples | GetEntityXml |
Execute Code on irCatalog Checkin | Developer Samples | CheckinRequestListener |
Execute Member Rule Set | Authoring Samples | Iteration |
Execute Method in a .NET Assembly | Developer Samples | Wpf.ObjectAsStateInvoice |
Execution log settings | Developer Samples | GetChangedValues |
Execution log value changes | Developer Samples | GetChangedValues |
Explicitly cache a Rule Application | Developer Samples | RuleApplicationCache |
Fuzzy Match names using UDFs for potential match candidates | Authoring Samples | Functional Samples\FuzzyMatchSample |
Get InRule Application Logs | Developer Samples | LibraryLogger |
Implicitly cache a Rule Application | Developer Samples | RuleApplicationCache |
InRule for WF | Developer Samples | WorkflowConsoleApplication |
Inline tables | Authoring Samples | Chicago Food Tax Generator |
JavaScript: Advanced Sample | Developer Samples | InRuleforJavaScriptSamples\04 NodeJS |
JavaScript: Angular | Developer Samples | InRuleforJavaScriptSamples\03 Angular |
JavaScript: Basic Sample | Developer Samples | InRuleforJavaScriptSamples\01 Basic |
JavaScript: Basic Sample with Explicit Rules | Developer Samples | InRuleforJavaScriptSamples\05 BasicPlusExplicitRules |
JavaScript: Rule Engine Feedback | Developer Samples | InRuleforJavaScriptSamples\02 BasicPlusFeedback |
Large Lookup Data Table | Authoring Samples | Functional Samples\LargeLookupDataTable |
Launch irVerify from code | Developer Samples | LaunchIrVerify |
Launch irVerify from code | Developer Samples | LaunchIrVerify |
Load XML state into an entity | Developer Samples | CreateRuleSession-Catalog CreateRuleSession-FileSystem GetChangedValues GetEntityXml |
OAuth Token Sample | Authoring Samples | Functional Samples\OAuthTokenSample |
Promote Rule App between Catalogs using Command Line | Developer Samples | CommandLineTools\PromoteRuleApp |
Query value list | Authoring Samples | Chicago Food Tax Generator |
Runtime Overrides | Developer Samples | RuntimeOverrides |
Salesforce | Developer Samples | SalesforceSamples |
String operations | Authoring Samples | String Matching |
Unbound entities | Developer Samples | AddCollectionMembers CreateEntityFromXml CreateRuleSession-Catalog CreateRuleSession-FileSystem CreateRuleSession-InMemory DynamicValueAccess GetChangedValues GetEntityXml LaunchIrVerify RulesInCode |
Use 'dynamic' for easy member access | Developer Samples | AddCollectionMembers DynamicValueAccess |
User Defined Functions (UDFs) | Authoring Samples | User Defined Functions |
Value of a calculation | Developer Samples | AddCollectionMembers CreateEntityFromXml CreateRuleSession-Catalog CreateRuleSession-FileSystem CreateRuleSession-InMemory RulesInCode |
Value of a field | Developer Samples | AddCollectionMembers CreateRuleSession-InMemory |
Vocabulary Templates | Authoring Samples | Chicago Food Tax Generator Vocabulary Templates |
While loop | Authoring Samples | Iteration |