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International Skin Imaging Collaboration: Melanoma Project

ISIC Archive |license-badge|

International Skin Imaging Collaboration: Melanoma Project

Slides from the SciPy 2015 presentation are available <>_.

Development Environment Installation


* Linux or OSX (Windows host development is possible, but requires additional
  setup steps)

* Git

* Vagrant_

* vagrant-hostsupdater_

* VirtualBox_ (this may sometimes be installed automatically by Vagrant)

* Clone the repository:

    # from within your preferred source development directory
    git clone
    cd isic-archive

* Launch and automatically provision the development VM:

    # from within the "isic-archive" sub-directory
    vagrant up

* Use a web browser to visit ``http://isic-archive.test/admin`` from your host
  development machine.

* Login as the user ``admin`` with password ``password``. This user can be also used for granting
  additional access permissions to subsequent new users. This user may be deleted once another site
  admin user is created.

* To rebuild the front-end code after development changes:

    # from within the "isic-archive" sub-directory
    vagrant ssh
    cd ~/isic_archive/isic-archive-gui
    yarn install
    yarn run build

* To automatically rebuild the front-end code as changed client files are saved,
  start and leave running:

    yarn run serve

* To proxy all API calls to an external instance during front-end development, run:

    export PROXY_API_HOST=
    yarn run serve

* To inspect various logs:

    # Girder's console output
    journalctl -f -u girder

    # Mongodb's console output
    tail -F /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log

.. |license-badge| image::
    :alt: License

.. _Vagrant:

.. _vagrant-hostsupdater:

.. _Ansible:

.. _VirtualBox: