ImageMagick6 copied to clipboard
The file information does not meet the expected requirements when I convert SVG to PNG
ImageMagick version
Operating system
Operating system, version and so on
Debian 11
convert -verbose -background none test.svg test.png
'inkscape' '/tmp/magick-5aByHNbFiOY8OJMuy3g7BEim0mQGDQnL' --export-filename='/tmp/magick-8ByznSUDzR7PWAqsLa_bLjGvPaZrzHQH.png' --export-dpi='96' --export-background='rgb(0%,0%,0%)' --export-background-opacity='-9.9999999999999997989e-13' > '/tmp/magick-8HQAAdD4GMIRUwbMkF8a3TMfHl7TAUQK' 2>&1
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41hfgwiqe9scveubfhwjfi4nuetqm59ia7busxo0l09jknt0.svg=>2.png SVG 36x36 36x36+0+0 8-bit sRGB 2066B 0.000u 0:00.001
'inkscape' '/tmp/magick-BTvxE1PzzSvU8s-LabqLDTGXqRLISO69' --export-filename='/tmp/magick-88gyEZ4cXPS5z3088Xpm9gqIZ-TIi1oa.png' --export-dpi='96' --export-background='rgb(0%,0%,0%)' --export-background-opacity='-9.9999999999999997989e-13' > '/tmp/magick-ixZywDybGfNPuFvktw_TkGodv4Eq33ga' 2>&1
/tmp/magick-88gyEZ4cXPS5z3088Xpm9gqIZ-TIi1oa.png PNG 1x1 1x1+0+0 8-bit sRGB 126B 0.000u 0:00.000
41hfgwiqe9scveubfhwjfi4nuetqm59ia7busxo0l09jknt0.svg SVG 1x1 1x1+0+0 8-bit sRGB 126B 0.000u 0:00.000
41hfgwiqe9scveubfhwjfi4nuetqm59ia7busxo0l09jknt0.svg=>2.png SVG 1x1 1x1+0+0 8-bit sRGB 2c 317B 0.000u 0:00.000
i execute the same command on the same file will result in different outcomes.
Steps to Reproduce
echo '<svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 36 36">
<path fill="#78B159" d="M18 25.18C3.438 25.18 0 29.844 0 32s1.791 4 4 4h28c2.209 0 4-1.851 4-4s-3.438-6.82-18-6.82z"></path>
<path fill="#662113" d="M28.804 28.15c0 1.531-1.242 2.08-2.773 2.08c-1.531 0-2.773-.548-2.773-2.08l.693-6.239c0-1.531.548-1.387 2.08-1.387c1.531 0 2.08-.145 2.08 1.387l.693 6.239z"></path>
<path fill="#5C913B" d="M34.868 19.717c-4.59-4.135-6.449-10.056-8.837-10.056s-4.247 5.921-8.836 10.056c-1.929 1.738-1.01 2.743 1.634 2.542c2.357-.179 4.561-.741 7.202-.741s4.846.563 7.202.741c2.644.201 3.563-.805 1.635-2.542z"></path>
<path fill="#3E721D" d="M33.377 18.078c-3.527-3.401-5.509-8.273-7.346-8.273c-1.836 0-3.818 4.872-7.345 8.273c-2.803 2.703 3.673 3.309 7.345 0c3.671 3.309 10.148 2.703 7.346 0z"></path>
<path fill="#5C913B" d="M33.377 15.323c-3.527-3.178-5.509-7.729-7.346-7.729c-1.836 0-3.818 4.551-7.345 7.729c-2.803 2.525 3.673 3.091 7.345 0c3.671 3.091 10.148 2.524 7.346 0z"></path>
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<path fill="#5C913B" d="M31.766 11.001c-2.753-2.481-4.301-6.034-5.735-6.034c-1.433 0-2.981 3.553-5.735 6.034c-2.188 1.971 2.867 2.414 5.735 0c2.867 2.414 7.923 1.972 5.735 0z"></path>
<path fill="#3E721D" d="M30.659 9.168c-2.222-2.002-3.471-4.869-4.628-4.869s-2.406 2.867-4.628 4.869c-1.766 1.591 2.314 1.948 4.628 0c2.314 1.948 6.395 1.591 4.628 0z"></path>
<path fill="#5C913B" d="M30.659 7.614c-2.222-2.002-3.471-4.869-4.628-4.869s-2.406 2.867-4.628 4.869c-1.766 1.591 2.314 1.948 4.628 0c2.314 1.948 6.395 1.591 4.628 0z"></path>
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<path fill="#F4900C" d="M15.101 33c-.424 0-.802-.267-.944-.666L9.145 18.301a.964.964 0 0 1 .125-.896a.99.99 0 0 1 .82-.405h11.759c.401 0 .764.22.922.589l6.014 14.023A.994.994 0 0 1 27.862 33H15.101z"></path>
<path fill="#FFCC4D" d="M4.075 33a1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.921-1.398L9.172 17.56a1.002 1.002 0 0 1 1.843 0l6.018 14.041A1.006 1.006 0 0 1 16.111 33H4.075z"></path>
<path fill="#292F33" d="M10.09 19.436L8.084 33h4.01z"></path>
<path fill="#FFAC33" d="M14.127 31.887L14.575 33h-2.481zm-8.075 0L5.604 33h2.48z"></path>
<path fill="#FFE8B6" d="M12.094 33s1.823-.465 2.714-1.288L10.09 19.436L12.094 33zm-4.01 0s-1.823-.465-2.714-1.288l4.719-12.277L8.084 33z"></path>
<path fill="#E1E8ED" d="M13.625 5.625c-.018 0-.034.006-.052.006a2.5 2.5 0 0 0-2.448-3.007a2.49 2.49 0 0 0-2.11 1.171a2.48 2.48 0 0 0-.89-.17a2.491 2.491 0 0 0-2.469 2.19a2.422 2.422 0 0 0-.906-.19a2.5 2.5 0 1 0 0 5h8.875a2.5 2.5 0 1 0 0-5z"></path>
</svg>' > test.svg
convert -verbose -background none test.svg test.png
the first one is error, but the second is success.
This is most likely an inkscape issue? But I also wonder if they can handle -9.9999999999999997989e-13
as the value for --export-background-opacity
This is most likely an inkscape issue? But I also wonder if they can handle
as the value for--export-background-opacity
thanks for your answer, why not set 0
as the value for --export-background-opacity
We get an opacity for '0' for the latest releases of ImageMagick as expected. We're not sure why you instead get a really small number.