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Give a list of image formats that Imagepy supports
Does it support image formats similar as ImageJ, such as TIFF, GIF, JPEG, PNG, DICOM, BMP, PGM and FITS?
It is important to me because I am building a pathology detection software that reads whole slide images in TIFF, DICOM formats. It would be nice to provide a list of image formats that Imagepy supports. Thanks.
@IrisLiuCY :imagepy is a plugin framework based on numpy, It support common image format: bmp, gif, tif, jpg, png. And we just need to add the specific reader to support other format. such as we can use pydicom or simlleITK to read and write dicom. But I did not add this plugin in original imagepy. If you need I can wrote for you.
@yxdragon It is great to include simpleITK plugin in Imagepy so that it can support more different image formats.
Currently, I am developing a web-base interface for pathology detection. Is there any way to use Imagepy as API or plugin so I can use the annotation and image processing functions of imagepy? I am looking for solutions to support annotation on medical images in webpages.
@yxdragon The major users of imageJ are related to medical research. I suppose it could be better for the imagepy to support some popular medical image formats, such as dicom, nii, mhd or raw binary data. simple ITK is a good way to do that.
@xycyx I know SimpleITK, and wrote some reader and writer for ImagePy is very simple, I can do it .do you have dicom, nii, mhd... files? and can you help to do some test?
@yxdragon Thanks. I'm very glad to test it. I will share some examples through google drive (or other platforms if you have difficulties to access it). And I can follow your commits to add other loader modules after you completing those features.
@xycyx haha, you are Chinese? for you known I have difficulties to access google. and all the tools to go out have been killed recently. so do you use baidu cloud? or you can email it to me directly.
about ITK, I will build a new project to wrap the ITK, and write some demo, such as this project (wrap opencv) we just need to copy the folder to the ImagePy's menus folder, then it will be loaded in.
(now I just have time to improve the main frame and wrote some document, and when the itk, opencv, and some other lib are wrapped fully, we can integrate them, and make a publisher such as Fiji)
@xycyx now ImagePy can do many things, but the document and the official website are dragged, and I want to build a nabble forum, there are some document in Chinese, you can have a look. 3d reconstruct forum
@xycyx Here, A demo project wrap SimpleITK, you can do some test, and you can also add other function. and push your code.