Ilya Semenov

Results 102 comments of Ilya Semenov

I also started to wonder why didn't you just push a few enhanced-resolve `AliasPlugin`'s based on parsed tsconfig paths instead of everything that's taking place? Similar to how the default...

Funnily enough, if I use an async handler for v1's `notFound`, the behaviour changes and it doesn't even reach the v2 handler: ```js // ... notFound: async ctx => {...

> Probably is very specific case with the index (i.e. /) route for prefix. I'll look it as soon as i can, sorry about that. If you switch it to...

> I believe it's totally normal to run next middlewares too. No, it's not normal if a route **specifically matched**. This loses the whole point of composing middlewares. A middleware...

By the way, it's two related but different problems that I had to solve in my setup: 1. A **matched** route under `/prefix` falls down to subsequent middlewares - this...

> The following example responds with "Hello World", Absolutely. You see - it responds with "Hello World" **and does not call next**! Because it knows how to handle this request...

I think the problem is here: If you replace ```js return utils.compose(route.middlewares)(ctx).then(() => next()) ``` with ```js return utils.compose([...route.middlewares, next])(ctx) // or ES5 boilerplate for spread operator ``` it...

> But it not make any sense, because koa-compose will call next in any way, even if we don't pass next to it. for example return utils.compose(route.middlewares)(ctx) Absolutely not: ```js...

Yes, this is the same problem as reported in #76. unlike esbuild, tsx ignores tsconfig.json in referenced packages.

The manifest at `.output/server/chunks/app/client.manifest.mjs` is not generated correctly, there is no css under `` entry. This is in turn caused by `.nuxt/dist/client/manifest.json` not including css under `.nuxt/client-legacy.js` entry.