@benjdlambert ``` ├─ @backstage/backend-app-api@npm:0.7.0 │ └─ jose@npm:5.2.3 (via npm:^5.0.0) │ ├─ @backstage/backend-common@npm:0.21.7 │ └─ jose@npm:5.2.3 (via npm:^5.0.0) │ ├─ @backstage/backend-common@npm:0.21.7 [bd11c] │ └─ jose@npm:5.2.3 (via npm:^5.0.0) │ ├─ @backstage/plugin-auth-backend-module-aws-alb-provider@npm:0.1.9 │...
nope, nothing
@benjdlambert do you have any idea what could be wrong ?
btw, I needed to override okta provider, so it looks like this ```ts authProviders.registerProvider({ providerId: 'okta', factory: createOAuthProviderFactory({ authenticator: oktaAuthenticator, signInResolverFactories: { emailLocalPartMatchingUserEntityName: catalogNotFoundFallbackResolverFactory( commonSignInResolvers.emailLocalPartMatchingUserEntityName(), ), }, }), }); ```
@benjdlambert I see that `PluginTokenHandler` during initialization sets up `ES256` algorithm and no possibility to change that, not sure what was supposed, I see previously `HS256` was used.
@Rugvip ``` TypeError: Key for the ES256 algorithm must be one of type KeyObject or CryptoKey. Received an instance of Uint8Array at asymmetricTypeCheck (/Users/isavich/projects/productivity/backstage/node_modules/jose/dist/node/cjs/lib/check_key_type.js:17:15) at checkKeyType (/Users/isavich/projects/productivity/backstage/node_modules/jose/dist/node/cjs/lib/check_key_type.js:44:9) at flattenedVerify (/Users/isavich/projects/productivity/backstage/node_modules/jose/dist/node/cjs/jws/flattened/verify.js:78:37)...
@Rugvip @benjdlambert something wrong happens on `ServerTokenManager:190`, it looks like it's written the way it expects to work with symmetrical algorithms, while `PluginTokenHandler` is configured with default `ES256` which leads...
@Rugvip @benjdlambert maybe this place is something where something strange happens `DefaultAuthService:140` ``` const targetSupportsNewAuth = await this.pluginTokenHandler.isTargetPluginSupported(targetPluginId); ``` Inside I see it checks for keys in response ``` const...
oh, yeah, I have some plugins not migrated yet and catalog is one of them. Ok, I will try to migrate it, hope it will help :)
@awanlin what do you think about that approach ?